C# Class Spring.Retry.Retry.Support.RetrySimulation

The results of a simulation.
ファイルを表示 Open project: spring-projects/spring-net-retry Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddSequence ( IList sleeps ) : void

Add a sequence of sleeps to the simulation.

GetLongestTotalSleepSequence ( ) : SleepSequence

The get longest total sleep sequence.

GetUniqueSleeps ( ) : IList

Returns a list of all the unique sleep values which were executed within all simulations.

GetUniqueSleepsHistogram ( ) : IList

The count of each sleep which was seen throughout all sleeps.

Method Details

AddSequence() public method

Add a sequence of sleeps to the simulation.
public AddSequence ( IList sleeps ) : void
sleeps IList The sleeps.
return void

GetLongestTotalSleepSequence() public method

The get longest total sleep sequence.
public GetLongestTotalSleepSequence ( ) : SleepSequence
return SleepSequence

GetUniqueSleeps() public method

Returns a list of all the unique sleep values which were executed within all simulations.
public GetUniqueSleeps ( ) : IList
return IList

GetUniqueSleepsHistogram() public method

The count of each sleep which was seen throughout all sleeps.
public GetUniqueSleepsHistogram ( ) : IList
return IList