C# Class SoloVayne.Modules.General.NoAAStealth

Inheritance: ISOLOModule
ファイルを表示 Open project: DZ191/LeagueSharp

Public Methods

Method Description
GetModuleType ( ) : ModuleType

Gets the type of the module.

OnExecute ( ) : void

Called when the module gets executed.

OnLoad ( ) : void

Called when the module is loaded.

ShouldGetExecuted ( ) : bool

Shoulds the module get executed.

Private Methods

Method Description
BeforeAttack ( LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking args ) : void

Called Before the orbwalker attacks.

Method Details

GetModuleType() public method

Gets the type of the module.
public GetModuleType ( ) : ModuleType
return ModuleType

OnExecute() public method

Called when the module gets executed.
public OnExecute ( ) : void
return void

OnLoad() public method

Called when the module is loaded.
public OnLoad ( ) : void
return void

ShouldGetExecuted() public method

Shoulds the module get executed.
public ShouldGetExecuted ( ) : bool
return bool