C# Class SimpleDnsCrypt.ViewModels.MainViewModel

Inheritance: Caliburn.Micro.Screen, IShell
ファイルを表示 Open project: bitbeans/SimpleDnsCrypt

Public Methods

Method Description
HideOverlay ( ) : void

Overlay management for MetroMessageBoxViewModel.

IsAdministrator ( ) : bool

Check if the current user has administrative privileges.

MainViewModel ( ) : System

MainViewModel construcor for XAML.

NetworkCardClicked ( LocalNetworkInterface localNetworkInterface ) : void

Click event for the network cards.

OpenPluginManager ( ) : void
RefreshResolverListAsync ( ) : void

Refresh the resolver list from the newest csv file.

SavePrimaryPort ( ) : void
ShowOverlay ( ) : void

Overlay management for MetroMessageBoxViewModel.

UninstallServices ( ) : void

Uninstall all installed dnscrypt-proxy services.

Private Methods

Method Description
ConvertProxyEntryToParameter ( DnsCryptProxyEntry dnsCryptProxyEntry, DnsCryptProxyType dnsCryptProxyType ) : DnsCryptProxyParameter
HandleGlobalResolver ( bool actAsGlobalGateway ) : void
HandleService ( DnsCryptProxyType dnsCryptProxyType ) : void
LoadNetworkCards ( ) : void

Load the local network cards.

MainViewModel ( IWindowManager windowManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator ) : System
ReloadResolver ( DnsCryptProxyType dnsCryptProxyType ) : void
RestartService ( DnsCryptProxyType dnsCryptProxyType ) : void
UpdateAsync ( ) : void

Method to check if there is a new application version available.

ValidateDnsCryptProxyFolder ( ) : bool

Check the dnscrypt-proxy directory on completeness.

Method Details

HideOverlay() public method

Overlay management for MetroMessageBoxViewModel.
public HideOverlay ( ) : void
return void

IsAdministrator() public static method

Check if the current user has administrative privileges.
public static IsAdministrator ( ) : bool
return bool

MainViewModel() public method

MainViewModel construcor for XAML.
public MainViewModel ( ) : System
return System

NetworkCardClicked() public method

Click event for the network cards.
public NetworkCardClicked ( LocalNetworkInterface localNetworkInterface ) : void
localNetworkInterface LocalNetworkInterface The clicked network card.
return void

OpenPluginManager() public method

public OpenPluginManager ( ) : void
return void

RefreshResolverListAsync() public method

Refresh the resolver list from the newest csv file.
public RefreshResolverListAsync ( ) : void
return void

SavePrimaryPort() public method

public SavePrimaryPort ( ) : void
return void

ShowOverlay() public method

Overlay management for MetroMessageBoxViewModel.
public ShowOverlay ( ) : void
return void

UninstallServices() public method

Uninstall all installed dnscrypt-proxy services.
public UninstallServices ( ) : void
return void