C# Class Shopsterify.Database.ShopsterifyDatabase

ファイルを表示 Open project: shopster/NconnectSter

Public Methods

Method Description
DeleteShopsterProductIds ( List productIds ) : int

GetShopsterUserId ( MyApiContext apiContext ) : int

Use an apicontext (the authtoken and secret) to find the UserID in the db.

InsertShopsterProducts ( List items, int shopsterUser ) : int

For now takes a List will be refactored to take InventoryItemListType

ShopsterifyDatabase ( ) : System
getShopsterProductIds ( ) : List

Get all shopsterProduct Ids in Shopsterify

getShopsterProductIdsByUser ( int userId ) : List

Get all shopster product ids in Shopsterify, filtered by userId Parameter.

Method Details

DeleteShopsterProductIds() public method

public DeleteShopsterProductIds ( List productIds ) : int
productIds List
return int

GetShopsterUserId() public method

Use an apicontext (the authtoken and secret) to find the UserID in the db.
public GetShopsterUserId ( MyApiContext apiContext ) : int
apiContext MyApiContext
return int

InsertShopsterProducts() public method

For now takes a List will be refactored to take InventoryItemListType
public InsertShopsterProducts ( List items, int shopsterUser ) : int
items List
shopsterUser int
return int

ShopsterifyDatabase() public method

public ShopsterifyDatabase ( ) : System
return System

getShopsterProductIds() public method

Get all shopsterProduct Ids in Shopsterify
public getShopsterProductIds ( ) : List
return List

getShopsterProductIdsByUser() public method

Get all shopster product ids in Shopsterify, filtered by userId Parameter.
public getShopsterProductIdsByUser ( int userId ) : List
userId int Filter the select statement by this id.
return List