C# Class SharpPlant.SharpPlantReview.SprTag

Provides the properties for creating a tag in SmartPlant Review.
Inheritance: SprDbObject, IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: phusband/SharpPlant Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Delete ( bool setNext = false ) : void

Deletes the current tag from inside the SprApplication.

DeleteSnapshot ( ) : void

Deletes the snapshot owned by the current SprTag.

EditLeader ( ) : void

Prompts a user to select new leader points for an existing tag. DisplayLeader will automatically be set to true.

ExportSnapshot ( string imagePath, bool overWrite = true ) : void

Exports the saved tag snapshot if one exists.

Goto ( bool displayTag = true ) : void

Locates the specified tag in the SmartPlant Review application main window.

Place ( ) : void

Prompts a user to place the current tag.

SendToTextWindow ( ) : void

Updates the SmartPlant Review text window with the SprTag text.

SprTag ( ) : System
SprTag ( DataRow dataRow ) : System
TakeSnapshot ( bool zoomToTag, SprSnapShot snapShot = null ) : void

Saves a snapshot of the current SprApplication main view to the MDB database.

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the current tag to a string representation.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
GetDataRow ( ) : DataRow
GetDefaultRow ( ) : DataRow

Private Methods

Method Description
GetImage ( ) : Image
GetLeaderPoint ( ) : SprPoint3D
GetLinkedObject ( ) : SprObject
GetOriginPoint ( ) : SprPoint3D
SetLeaderPoint ( SprPoint3D newpoint ) : void
SetOriginPoint ( SprPoint3D newpoint ) : void

Method Details

Delete() public method

Deletes the current tag from inside the SprApplication.
public Delete ( bool setNext = false ) : void
setNext bool Determines if the SprApplication.NextTag should be set to the deleted Id.
return void

DeleteSnapshot() public method

Deletes the snapshot owned by the current SprTag.
public DeleteSnapshot ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

EditLeader() public method

Prompts a user to select new leader points for an existing tag. DisplayLeader will automatically be set to true.
public EditLeader ( ) : void
return void

ExportSnapshot() public method

Exports the saved tag snapshot if one exists.
public ExportSnapshot ( string imagePath, bool overWrite = true ) : void
imagePath string The full path where the image will be saved.
overWrite bool True if the destination image can be overwritten; Otherwise false.
return void

GetDataRow() protected method

protected GetDataRow ( ) : DataRow
return System.Data.DataRow

GetDefaultRow() protected method

protected GetDefaultRow ( ) : DataRow
return System.Data.DataRow

Goto() public method

Locates the specified tag in the SmartPlant Review application main window.
public Goto ( bool displayTag = true ) : void
displayTag bool Determines if the tag will be displayed in the main view.
return void

Place() public method

Prompts a user to place the current tag.
public Place ( ) : void
return void

SendToTextWindow() public method

Updates the SmartPlant Review text window with the SprTag text.
public SendToTextWindow ( ) : void
return void

SprTag() public method

public SprTag ( ) : System
return System

SprTag() public method

public SprTag ( DataRow dataRow ) : System
dataRow System.Data.DataRow
return System

TakeSnapshot() public method

Saves a snapshot of the current SprApplication main view to the MDB database.
public TakeSnapshot ( bool zoomToTag, SprSnapShot snapShot = null ) : void
zoomToTag bool Determines if the main view zooms to the tag in the main SmartPlant screen.
snapShot SprSnapShot The snapshot format the image will be created with.
return void

ToString() public method

Converts the current tag to a string representation.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string