C# Class SampleRasterType.DMCIIRasterBuilder

Inheritance: IRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit, IPersistVariant, IRasterBuilder2, IRasterBuilderInit2
ファイルを表示 Open project: Esri/arcobjects-sdk-community-samples Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
BeginConstruction ( IDataSourceCrawler pCrawler ) : void

Prepare the Raster Type for generating item Unique Resource Identifier (URI)

Build ( IItemURI pItemURI ) : IBuilderItem

Build the Builder Item which includes the function raster dataset and its footprint given the ItemURI.

CanBuild ( object vtDataSource ) : bool

Check if the data source provided is a valid data source for the builder.

ConstructURIs ( object crawlerItem ) : void

Construct a Unique Resource Identifier (URI) for each crawler item

DMCIIRasterBuilder ( ) : System
EndConstruction ( ) : IItemURIArray

Finish construction of the URI's

GetNextURI ( ) : IItemURI

Generate the next URI.

GetRecommendedCrawler ( IPropertySet pDataSourceProperties ) : IDataSourceCrawler

Get a crawler recommended by the Raster Type based on the data srouce properties provided.

IsStale ( IItemURI pItemURI ) : bool

Check if the item provided is "stale" or not valid

Load ( IVariantStream Stream ) : void

Load the object from the stream provided

Save ( IVariantStream Stream ) : void

Same the Raster Type to the stream provided

Validate ( ) : void

Check to see if the properties provided to the raster type/builder are sufficient for it to work. Usually used for UI validation.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddFields ( IFields myFields ) : void

Create new fields to add to the mosaic dataset attribute table.

ApplyRPC ( string rpcPath, IRasterDataset inputDataset ) : IFunctionRasterDataset

Parse the RPC parameters file associated with the image and create an RPCXform to bea applied to the inputDataset as a geomtric function.

GetFRD ( DiMapParser dimPar, IItemURI pItemURI ) : IFunctionRasterDataset

Create the function raster dataset from the source images.

GetFootprint ( DiMapParser dimParser ) : IGeometry

Get the footprint from the dimap file if it exists.

GetRPCXForm ( string rpcFilePath ) : IRPCXform

Create an RPCXForm from a text file containing parameters.

SetBandProperties ( IDataset dataset, DiMapParser dimParser ) : void

Sets band properties on a given dataset including stats, band names and wavelengths.

SetBandWavelengths ( IDataset dataset, int bandIndex ) : void

Set the wavelengths corresponding to the band name.

Method Details

BeginConstruction() public method

Prepare the Raster Type for generating item Unique Resource Identifier (URI)
public BeginConstruction ( IDataSourceCrawler pCrawler ) : void
pCrawler IDataSourceCrawler Crawler to use to generate the item URI's
return void

Build() public method

Build the Builder Item which includes the function raster dataset and its footprint given the ItemURI.
public Build ( IItemURI pItemURI ) : IBuilderItem
pItemURI IItemURI ItemURi to use to build the Builder Item.
return IBuilderItem

CanBuild() public method

Check if the data source provided is a valid data source for the builder.
public CanBuild ( object vtDataSource ) : bool
vtDataSource object Data source (usually the path to a metadta file)
return bool

ConstructURIs() public method

Construct a Unique Resource Identifier (URI) for each crawler item
public ConstructURIs ( object crawlerItem ) : void
crawlerItem object Crawled Item from which the URI is generated
return void

DMCIIRasterBuilder() public method

public DMCIIRasterBuilder ( ) : System
return System

EndConstruction() public method

Finish construction of the URI's
public EndConstruction ( ) : IItemURIArray
return IItemURIArray

GetNextURI() public method

Generate the next URI.
public GetNextURI ( ) : IItemURI
return IItemURI

GetRecommendedCrawler() public method

Get a crawler recommended by the Raster Type based on the data srouce properties provided.
public GetRecommendedCrawler ( IPropertySet pDataSourceProperties ) : IDataSourceCrawler
pDataSourceProperties IPropertySet Data source properties.
return IDataSourceCrawler

IsStale() public method

Check if the item provided is "stale" or not valid
public IsStale ( IItemURI pItemURI ) : bool
pItemURI IItemURI URI for the item to be checked
return bool

Load() public method

Load the object from the stream provided
public Load ( IVariantStream Stream ) : void
Stream IVariantStream Stream that represents the serialized Raster Type
return void

Save() public method

Same the Raster Type to the stream provided
public Save ( IVariantStream Stream ) : void
Stream IVariantStream Stream to serialize the Raster Type into
return void

Validate() public method

Check to see if the properties provided to the raster type/builder are sufficient for it to work. Usually used for UI validation.
public Validate ( ) : void
return void