C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.Discourse.MakeCellsMethod

Implementation of method for making cells in chart row.
ファイルを表示 Open project: sillsdev/FieldWorks

Public Methods

Method Description
MakeCellsMethod ( ConstChartVc baseObj, SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwEnv vwenv, int hvo ) : System

Make one.

Run ( bool fRtL ) : void

Main entry point, makes the cells.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddCellPartToCell ( IConstituentChartCellPart cellPart ) : void
AddCloseBracketAfterDepClause ( ) : void
AddOpenBracketBeforeDepClause ( ) : void
CloseCurrentlyOpenCell ( ) : void
FindCellPartToEndDependentClause ( ) : void
FindCellPartToStartDependentClause ( ) : void
FlushDecorator ( ) : void
GetIndexOfColumn ( int hvoCol ) : int

This retrieves logical column index in the RTL case.

GoesInsideClauseBrackets ( int hvoPart ) : bool

Answer true if the CellPart should go inside the clause bracketing (if any).

InsertAutoMissingMarker ( int icol ) : void
IsListRef ( IConstituentChartCellPart cellPart ) : bool

Return true if the CellPart is a ConstChartTag (which in a CellPart list makes it a reference to a CmPossibility), also known as a generic marker. But we still want to return false if the Tag is null, because then its a "Missing" marker. This version takes the actual CellPart object.

IsListRef ( int hvoCellPart ) : bool

Return true if the CellPart is a ConstChartTag (which in a CellPart list makes it a reference to a CmPossibility), also known as a generic marker. But we still want to return false if the Tag is null, because then its a "Missing" marker. This version takes the hvo of the CellPart.

IsMissingMkr ( IConstituentChartCellPart cellPart ) : bool

Return true if the CellPart is a ConstChartTag, but the Tag is null, because then its a "Missing" marker. Takes the actual CellPart object.

MakeDataCell ( int ccols ) : void
MakeEmptyCells ( int count ) : void
MakeMainCellParts ( ) : void
MakeNoteCell ( ) : void
MakeRowLabelCell ( ) : void
NoteCellDependencies ( int cellPartFlidArray, int hvoCellPart ) : void
NoteRowDependencies ( int rowFlidArray ) : void
OpenNoteCell ( ) : void
OpenRowNumberCell ( IVwEnv vwenv ) : void
OpenStandardCell ( IVwEnv vwenv, int ccols, bool fEndOfGroup ) : void
OpenStandardCell ( int icol, int ccols ) : void
ProcessCurrentCellPart ( int hvoCellPart ) : void
ReportAndFixBadCellPart ( int hvo, ICmPossibility column ) : void

Report that a CellPart has been detected that has no column, or that is out of order. We will arbitrarily put it into column hvoCol.

SetupMissingMarker ( ) : void

Method Details

MakeCellsMethod() public method

Make one.
public MakeCellsMethod ( ConstChartVc baseObj, SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwEnv vwenv, int hvo ) : System
baseObj ConstChartVc
cache SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache
vwenv IVwEnv
hvo int
return System

Run() public method

Main entry point, makes the cells.
public Run ( bool fRtL ) : void
fRtL bool
return void