C# Class Rhino.Tests.PrivateAccessClass

A class with private/protected/package private members, to test the Rhino feature Context.FEATURE_ENHANCED_JAVA_ACCESS, that allows bypassing Java member access restrictions.
A class with private/protected/package private members, to test the Rhino feature Context.FEATURE_ENHANCED_JAVA_ACCESS, that allows bypassing Java member access restrictions.
ファイルを表示 Open project: hazzik/Rhino.Net Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
getterCalled bool
setterCalled bool

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
protectedString string
staticProtectedInt int

Public Methods

Method Description
GetJavaBeanProperty ( ) : int
ReferenceToPrivateMembers ( ) : int
SetJavaBeanProperty ( int i ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
PrivateAccessClass ( int x, string s ) : Rhino.Tests
ProtectedMethod ( ) : int
StaticProtectedMethod ( ) : int

Private Methods

Method Description
PackagePrivateMethod ( ) : int
PrivateAccessClass ( ) : Rhino.Tests
PrivateAccessClass ( int x ) : Rhino.Tests
PrivateAccessClass ( string s ) : Rhino.Tests
PrivateMethod ( ) : int
StaticPackagePrivateMethod ( ) : int
StaticPrivateMethod ( ) : int

Method Details

GetJavaBeanProperty() public method

public GetJavaBeanProperty ( ) : int
return int

PrivateAccessClass() protected method

protected PrivateAccessClass ( int x, string s ) : Rhino.Tests
x int
s string
return Rhino.Tests

ProtectedMethod() protected method

protected ProtectedMethod ( ) : int
return int

ReferenceToPrivateMembers() public method

public ReferenceToPrivateMembers ( ) : int
return int

SetJavaBeanProperty() public method

public SetJavaBeanProperty ( int i ) : void
i int
return void

StaticProtectedMethod() protected static method

protected static StaticProtectedMethod ( ) : int
return int

Property Details

getterCalled public_oe property

public bool getterCalled
return bool

protectedString protected_oe property

protected string protectedString
return string

setterCalled public_oe property

public bool setterCalled
return bool

staticProtectedInt protected_oe static_oe property

protected static int staticProtectedInt
return int