C# Class Renderer.PdfSharp_core.PdfRenderer

Native PdfSharp shape renderer.
Inheritance: Core2D.Renderer.ShapeRenderer
ファイルを表示 Open project: Core2D/Core2D Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ClearCache ( bool isZooming ) : void
Create ( ) : Core2D.Renderer.ShapeRenderer

Creates a new PdfRenderer instance.

Draw ( object dc, Core2D line, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, Core2D r ) : void
Fill ( object dc, double x, double y, double width, double height, ArgbColor color ) : void
PdfRenderer ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the PdfRenderer class.

Private Methods

Method Description
Add ( PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument pdf, Core2D container ) : PdfPage
Core2D ( string path, Core2D container ) : void
DrawEllipseInternal ( XGraphics gfx, PdfSharp.Drawing.XSolidBrush brush, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen pen, bool isStroked, bool isFilled, PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect &rect ) : void
DrawGridInternal ( XGraphics gfx, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen stroke, Core2D &rect, double offsetX, double offsetY, double cellWidth, double cellHeight, bool isStroked ) : void
DrawLineArrowInternal ( XGraphics gfx, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen pen, PdfSharp.Drawing.XSolidBrush brush, double x, double y, double angle, Core2D style ) : PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint
DrawLineArrowsInternal ( XGraphics gfx, Core2D line, double dx, double dy, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint &pt1, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint &pt2 ) : void
DrawLineCurveInternal ( XGraphics gfx, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen pen, bool isStroked, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint &pt1, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint &pt2, double curvature, Core2D orientation, Core2D pt1a, Core2D pt2a ) : void
DrawLineInternal ( XGraphics gfx, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen pen, bool isStroked, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint &p0, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPoint &p1 ) : void
DrawRectangleInternal ( XGraphics gfx, PdfSharp.Drawing.XSolidBrush brush, PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen pen, bool isStroked, bool isFilled, PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect &rect ) : void
ToXColor ( Core2D color ) : PdfSharp.Drawing.XColor
ToXPen ( Core2D style, double>.Func scale, double sourceDpi, double targetDpi ) : PdfSharp.Drawing.XPen
ToXSolidBrush ( Core2D color ) : PdfSharp.Drawing.XSolidBrush

Method Details

ClearCache() public method

public ClearCache ( bool isZooming ) : void
isZooming bool
return void

Create() public static method

Creates a new PdfRenderer instance.
public static Create ( ) : Core2D.Renderer.ShapeRenderer
return Core2D.Renderer.ShapeRenderer

Draw() public method

public Draw ( object dc, Core2D line, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, Core2D r ) : void
dc object
line Core2D
dx double
dy double
db ImmutableArray
r Core2D
return void

Fill() public method

public Fill ( object dc, double x, double y, double width, double height, ArgbColor color ) : void
dc object
x double
y double
width double
height double
color Core2D.Style.ArgbColor
return void

PdfRenderer() public method

Initializes a new instance of the PdfRenderer class.
public PdfRenderer ( ) : System
return System