C# Class Rdmp.UI.Collections.DataExportCollectionUI

Contains a list of all the currently configured data export projects you have. A data export Project is a collection of one or more datasets combined with a cohort (or multiple if you have sub ExtractionConfigurations within the same Project e.g. cases/controls).

Data in these datasets will be linked against the cohort and anonymised on extraction (to flat files / database etc).

Inheritance: Rdmp.UI.Collections.RDMPCollectionUI
ファイルを表示 Open project: HicServices/RDMP

Public Methods

Method Description
DataExportCollectionUI ( ) : System
IsRootObject ( object root ) : bool
RefreshBus_RefreshObject ( object sender, RefreshObjectEventArgs e ) : void
SetItemActivator ( IActivateItems activator ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CohortSourceAspectGetter ( object rowObject ) : object
CohortVersionAspectGetter ( object rowObject ) : object
ProjectNumberAspectGetter ( object rowObject ) : object
SetupToolStrip ( ) : void

Method Details

DataExportCollectionUI() public method

public DataExportCollectionUI ( ) : System
return System

IsRootObject() public static method

public static IsRootObject ( object root ) : bool
root object
return bool

RefreshBus_RefreshObject() public method

public RefreshBus_RefreshObject ( object sender, RefreshObjectEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e RefreshObjectEventArgs
return void

SetItemActivator() public method

public SetItemActivator ( IActivateItems activator ) : void
activator IActivateItems
return void