C# Class Podio.API.Client

ファイルを表示 Open project: kasperbumbech/Podio.API-for-.NET

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ValidateConnection void

Public Methods

Method Description
Client ( AuthorizationAccessToken authInfo, string clientId, string clientSecret ) : Podio.API.Exceptions

Go use the static constructor

ConnectAsApp ( string clientId, string clientSecret, string podioAppId, string podioAppToken, string redirectUri ) : Client

Connecting as an app requires that you have authorized the app using the "Server-side flow" use the returned "code" that is the result of this interaction.

ConnectAsUser ( string client_id, string client_secret, string username, string password ) : Client

Connecting as a User does not require that you have authorized the application.

ConnectWithAuthorizationCode ( string clientId, string clientSecret, string authorizationCode, string redirectUri ) : Client

Connecting with the Authorization code requires that you have authorized using the "Server-side flow" and use the returned "code" that is the result of the authorization. Rememeber that this is a one-time enjoyment and that you should hold on to the clients AuthorizationAccessToken if you want to keep your APP's ability to be re-authorized.

Private Methods

Method Description
ValidateConnection ( ) : void

Method Details

Client() public method

Go use the static constructor
public Client ( AuthorizationAccessToken authInfo, string clientId, string clientSecret ) : Podio.API.Exceptions
authInfo AuthorizationAccessToken
clientId string
clientSecret string
return Podio.API.Exceptions

ConnectAsApp() public static method

Connecting as an app requires that you have authorized the app using the "Server-side flow" use the returned "code" that is the result of this interaction.
public static ConnectAsApp ( string clientId, string clientSecret, string podioAppId, string podioAppToken, string redirectUri ) : Client
clientId string
clientSecret string
podioAppId string
podioAppToken string
redirectUri string
return Client

ConnectAsUser() public static method

Connecting as a User does not require that you have authorized the application.
public static ConnectAsUser ( string client_id, string client_secret, string username, string password ) : Client
client_id string Your programs Id in podio
client_secret string The super secret and nasty guid Podio created
username string Your podio loginname (usually your email)
password string Podio enforces strong passwords of at least 8 characters length - old users can have shorter and unsafe passwords
return Client

ConnectWithAuthorizationCode() public static method

Connecting with the Authorization code requires that you have authorized using the "Server-side flow" and use the returned "code" that is the result of the authorization. Rememeber that this is a one-time enjoyment and that you should hold on to the clients AuthorizationAccessToken if you want to keep your APP's ability to be re-authorized.
public static ConnectWithAuthorizationCode ( string clientId, string clientSecret, string authorizationCode, string redirectUri ) : Client
clientId string
clientSecret string
authorizationCode string
redirectUri string
return Client