C# Class Plasma.DataContainer

Inheritance: Qyoto.QObject, IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: 0xd34df00d/Qross

Public Methods

Method Description
ConnectVisualization ( QObject visualization, uint pollingInterval, Plasma alignment ) : void Connects an object to this DataContainer. May be called repeatedly for the same visualization without side effects name="visualization" the object to connect to this DataContainer name="pollingInterval" the time in milliseconds between updates name="alignment" the clock position to align updates to
Data ( ) : QVariant>.Dictionary Returns the data for this DataContainer
DataContainer ( ) : System
DataContainer ( QObject parent ) : System Constructs a default DataContainer that has no name or data associated with it
Dispose ( ) : void
RemoveAllData ( ) : void Removes all data currently associated with this source If you call removeAllData() on a DataContainer, you need to either trigger the scheduleSourcesUpdated() slot for the data engine it belongs to or call checkForUpdate() on the DataContainer.
SetData ( string key, Qyoto.QVariant value ) : void Set a value for a key. This also marks this source as needing to signal an update. If you call setData() directly on a DataContainer, you need to either trigger the scheduleSourcesUpdated() slot for the data engine it belongs to or call checkForUpdate() on the DataContainer. name="key" a string used as the key for the data name="value" a QVariant holding the actual data. If a null or invalid QVariant is passed in and the key currently exists in the data, then the data entry is removed
VisualizationIsConnected ( QObject visualization ) : bool

Protected Methods

Method Description
CheckForUpdate ( ) : void Checks whether any data has changed and, if so, emits dataUpdated().
CreateProxy ( ) : void
DataContainer ( Type dummy ) : System
SetNeedsUpdate ( ) : void
SetNeedsUpdate ( bool update ) : void Indicates that the data should be treated as dirty the next time hasUpdates() is called. This is needed for the case where updateRequested() is triggered but we don't want to update the data immediately because it has just been updated. The second request won't be fulfilled in this case, because we never updated the data and so never called checkForUpdate(). So we claim it needs an update anyway.
TimeSinceLastUpdate ( ) : uint Returns how long ago, in msecs, that the data in this container was last updated. This is used by DataEngine to compress updates that happen more quickly than the minimum polling interval by calling setNeedsUpdate() instead of calling updateSourceEvent() immediately.

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckUsage ( ) : void
DisconnectVisualization ( QObject visualization ) : void
ForceImmediateUpdate ( ) : void

Method Details

CheckForUpdate() protected method

Checks whether any data has changed and, if so, emits dataUpdated().
protected CheckForUpdate ( ) : void
return void

ConnectVisualization() public method

Connects an object to this DataContainer. May be called repeatedly for the same visualization without side effects name="visualization" the object to connect to this DataContainer name="pollingInterval" the time in milliseconds between updates name="alignment" the clock position to align updates to
public ConnectVisualization ( QObject visualization, uint pollingInterval, Plasma alignment ) : void
visualization Qyoto.QObject
pollingInterval uint
alignment Plasma
return void

CreateProxy() protected method

protected CreateProxy ( ) : void
return void

Data() public method

Returns the data for this DataContainer
public Data ( ) : QVariant>.Dictionary
return QVariant>.Dictionary

DataContainer() public method

public DataContainer ( ) : System
return System

DataContainer() public method

Constructs a default DataContainer that has no name or data associated with it
public DataContainer ( QObject parent ) : System
parent Qyoto.QObject
return System

DataContainer() protected method

protected DataContainer ( Type dummy ) : System
dummy System.Type
return System

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

RemoveAllData() public method

Removes all data currently associated with this source If you call removeAllData() on a DataContainer, you need to either trigger the scheduleSourcesUpdated() slot for the data engine it belongs to or call checkForUpdate() on the DataContainer.
public RemoveAllData ( ) : void
return void

SetData() public method

Set a value for a key. This also marks this source as needing to signal an update. If you call setData() directly on a DataContainer, you need to either trigger the scheduleSourcesUpdated() slot for the data engine it belongs to or call checkForUpdate() on the DataContainer. name="key" a string used as the key for the data name="value" a QVariant holding the actual data. If a null or invalid QVariant is passed in and the key currently exists in the data, then the data entry is removed
public SetData ( string key, Qyoto.QVariant value ) : void
key string
value Qyoto.QVariant
return void

SetNeedsUpdate() protected method

protected SetNeedsUpdate ( ) : void
return void

SetNeedsUpdate() protected method

Indicates that the data should be treated as dirty the next time hasUpdates() is called. This is needed for the case where updateRequested() is triggered but we don't want to update the data immediately because it has just been updated. The second request won't be fulfilled in this case, because we never updated the data and so never called checkForUpdate(). So we claim it needs an update anyway.
protected SetNeedsUpdate ( bool update ) : void
update bool
return void

TimeSinceLastUpdate() protected method

Returns how long ago, in msecs, that the data in this container was last updated. This is used by DataEngine to compress updates that happen more quickly than the minimum polling interval by calling setNeedsUpdate() instead of calling updateSourceEvent() immediately.
protected TimeSinceLastUpdate ( ) : uint
return uint

VisualizationIsConnected() public method

public VisualizationIsConnected ( QObject visualization ) : bool
visualization Qyoto.QObject
return bool