C# Class PBCaGw.Workers.WorkerChain

Stores a processing chain composed of workers
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: ISISComputingGroup/EPICS-epicssharp Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ChannelCid uint>.ConcurrentDictionary
ChannelSubscriptions uint>.ConcurrentDictionary
Channels ObservableConcurrentBag
ClientEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint
Gateway Gateway
IsDisposed bool
IsDisposing bool
LastMessage System.DateTime
ServerEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint
Subscriptions uint>.ConcurrentDictionary

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( Worker worker ) : void

Adds the next Worker to the chain and register it to the previous Worker to the ReceiveData event.

Dispose ( ) : void

Dispose the current chain.

NbClientConn ( ) : int
NbServerConn ( ) : int
RemoveLast ( ) : void
TcpChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, IPEndPoint server ) : WorkerChain

Creates a request TCP chain

TcpResponseChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, IPEndPoint server ) : WorkerChain

Creates a response TCP chains

UdpBeaconReceiver ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, List server ) : WorkerChain
UdpChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, List server ) : WorkerChain

Creates a request UDP chain

UdpResponseChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, List server ) : WorkerChain

Creates a request UDP chain

UseChain ( WorkerChain chain ) : void

Link 2 chains together (a client which is connected to an IOC)

this ( int key ) : Worker

Private Methods

Method Description
GatewayTenSecJobs ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Cleanup server chains (IOC) which are not used since more than Gateway.IOC_KEEP_ALIVE_CONNECTION

PopulateChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IEnumerable workersNeeded, IPEndPoint client, IPEndPoint server ) : WorkerChain

Used to populate the chain based on a list of types

WorkerChain ( ) : System

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds the next Worker to the chain and register it to the previous Worker to the ReceiveData event.
public Add ( Worker worker ) : void
worker Worker
return void

Dispose() public method

Dispose the current chain.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

NbClientConn() public static method

public static NbClientConn ( ) : int
return int

NbServerConn() public static method

public static NbServerConn ( ) : int
return int

RemoveLast() public method

public RemoveLast ( ) : void
return void

TcpChain() public static method

Creates a request TCP chain
public static TcpChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, IPEndPoint server ) : WorkerChain
gateway Gateway
side ChainSide
client System.Net.IPEndPoint
server System.Net.IPEndPoint
return WorkerChain

TcpResponseChain() public static method

Creates a response TCP chains
public static TcpResponseChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, IPEndPoint server ) : WorkerChain
gateway Gateway
side ChainSide
client System.Net.IPEndPoint
server System.Net.IPEndPoint
return WorkerChain

UdpBeaconReceiver() public static method

public static UdpBeaconReceiver ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, List server ) : WorkerChain
gateway Gateway
side ChainSide
client System.Net.IPEndPoint
server List
return WorkerChain

UdpChain() public static method

Creates a request UDP chain
public static UdpChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, List server ) : WorkerChain
gateway Gateway
side ChainSide
client System.Net.IPEndPoint
server List
return WorkerChain

UdpResponseChain() public static method

Creates a request UDP chain
public static UdpResponseChain ( Gateway gateway, ChainSide side, IPEndPoint client, List server ) : WorkerChain
gateway Gateway
side ChainSide
client System.Net.IPEndPoint
server List
return WorkerChain

UseChain() public method

Link 2 chains together (a client which is connected to an IOC)
public UseChain ( WorkerChain chain ) : void
chain WorkerChain
return void

this() public method

public this ( int key ) : Worker
key int
return Worker

Property Details

ChannelCid public_oe property

public ConcurrentDictionary ChannelCid
return uint>.ConcurrentDictionary

ChannelSubscriptions public_oe property

public ConcurrentDictionary ChannelSubscriptions
return uint>.ConcurrentDictionary

Channels public_oe property

public ObservableConcurrentBag Channels
return ObservableConcurrentBag

ClientEndPoint public_oe property

public IPEndPoint,System.Net ClientEndPoint
return System.Net.IPEndPoint

Gateway public_oe property

public Gateway Gateway
return Gateway

IsDisposed public_oe property

public bool IsDisposed
return bool

IsDisposing public_oe property

public bool IsDisposing
return bool

LastMessage public_oe property

public DateTime,System LastMessage
return System.DateTime

ServerEndPoint public_oe property

public IPEndPoint,System.Net ServerEndPoint
return System.Net.IPEndPoint

Subscriptions public_oe property

public ConcurrentDictionary Subscriptions
return uint>.ConcurrentDictionary