C# Class Organic.ListEntry

Represents an entry in a listing output from assembling code.
ファイルを表示 Open project: SirCmpwn/organic Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Address ushort
Code string
CodeType CodeType
ErrorCode ErrorCode
ErrorMessage string
FileName string
LineNumber int
Listed bool
Opcode Assembler.StringMatch
Output ushort[]
Tags object>.Dictionary
ValueA Assembler.StringMatch
ValueB Assembler.StringMatch
WarningCode WarningCode
WarningMessage string

Public Methods

Method Description
GetFriendlyErrorMessage ( ErrorCode Entry ) : string

Given an error code, this returns a user-friendly message.

GetFriendlyWarningMessage ( WarningCode Entry ) : string

Given a warningcode, this returns a user-friendly message.

ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode, bool Listed ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address, bool Listed ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode, bool Listed ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, WarningCode WarningCode ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, bool Listed ) : System
ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, bool Listed, WarningCode WarningCode ) : System

Method Details

GetFriendlyErrorMessage() public static method

Given an error code, this returns a user-friendly message.
public static GetFriendlyErrorMessage ( ErrorCode Entry ) : string
Entry ErrorCode
return string

GetFriendlyWarningMessage() public static method

Given a warningcode, this returns a user-friendly message.
public static GetFriendlyWarningMessage ( WarningCode Entry ) : string
Entry WarningCode
return string

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Address ushort
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Address ushort
ErrorCode ErrorCode
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode, bool Listed ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Address ushort
ErrorCode ErrorCode
Listed bool
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Address, bool Listed ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Address ushort
Listed bool
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Output ushort
Address ushort
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Output ushort
Address ushort
ErrorCode ErrorCode
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, ErrorCode ErrorCode, bool Listed ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Output ushort
Address ushort
ErrorCode ErrorCode
Listed bool
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, WarningCode WarningCode ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Output ushort
Address ushort
WarningCode WarningCode
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, bool Listed ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Output ushort
Address ushort
Listed bool
return System

ListEntry() public method

public ListEntry ( string LineValue, string File, int LineNumber, ushort Output, ushort Address, bool Listed, WarningCode WarningCode ) : System
LineValue string
File string
LineNumber int
Output ushort
Address ushort
Listed bool
WarningCode WarningCode
return System

Property Details

Address public_oe property

The address this code is located at.
public ushort Address
return ushort

Code public_oe property

The trimmed and uncommented code that was parsed.
public string Code
return string

CodeType public_oe property

The type of code this line represents.
public CodeType CodeType
return CodeType

ErrorCode public_oe property

The error produced by assembling this code.
public ErrorCode ErrorCode
return ErrorCode

ErrorMessage public_oe property

The friendly error message. Used by plugins.
public string ErrorMessage
return string

FileName public_oe property

The name of the file the code is contained in.
public string FileName
return string

LineNumber public_oe property

The line number in the file the code is contained in.
public int LineNumber
return int

Listed public_oe property

True if this code is listed, false if not. This changes with #nolist and #list.
public bool Listed
return bool

Opcode public_oe property

The opcode matched.
public Assembler.StringMatch,Organic Opcode
return Assembler.StringMatch

Output public_oe property

The assembled output.
public ushort[] Output
return ushort[]

Tags public_oe property

Fill this with any data you wish in your plugins.
public Dictionary Tags
return object>.Dictionary

ValueA public_oe property

The "A" value of an interpreted instruction.
public Assembler.StringMatch,Organic ValueA
return Assembler.StringMatch

ValueB public_oe property

The "B" value of an interpreted instruction.
public Assembler.StringMatch,Organic ValueB
return Assembler.StringMatch

WarningCode public_oe property

The warning produced by assembling this code.
public WarningCode WarningCode
return WarningCode

WarningMessage public_oe property

The friendly warning message. Used by plugins.
public string WarningMessage
return string