C# Class OpenMetaverse.Messages.Linden.ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdatesMessage

Sent from the simulator to the viewer. When an agent initially joins a session the AgentUpdatesBlock object will contain a list of session members including a boolean indicating they can use voice chat in this session, a boolean indicating they are allowed to moderate this session, and lastly a string which indicates another agent is entering the session with the Transition set to "ENTER" During the session lifetime updates on individuals are sent. During the update the booleans sent during the initial join are excluded with the exception of the Transition field. This indicates a new user entering or exiting the session with the string "ENTER" or "LEAVE" respectively.
Inheritance: IMessage
ファイルを表示 Open project: N3X15/VoxelSim Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
SessionID UUID
Updates AgentUpdatesBlock[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Deserialize ( OSDMap map ) : void

Deserialize the message

Serialize ( ) : OSDMap

Serialize the object

Method Details

Deserialize() public method

Deserialize the message
public Deserialize ( OSDMap map ) : void
map OSDMap An containing the data
return void

Serialize() public method

Serialize the object
public Serialize ( ) : OSDMap
return OSDMap

Property Details

SessionID public_oe property

public UUID SessionID
return UUID

Updates public_oe property

public AgentUpdatesBlock[] Updates
return AgentUpdatesBlock[]