C# Class Opc.Ua.SessionEndpoint

Inheritance: EndpointBase, ISessionEndpoint, IDiscoveryEndpoint
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-Nodeset

Public Methods

Method Description
ActivateSession ( ActivateSessionMessage request ) : ActivateSessionResponseMessage

The operation contract for the ActivateSession service.

ActivateSession ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the ActivateSession service.

AddNodes ( AddNodesMessage request ) : AddNodesResponseMessage

The operation contract for the AddNodes service.

AddNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the AddNodes service.

AddReferences ( AddReferencesMessage request ) : AddReferencesResponseMessage

The operation contract for the AddReferences service.

AddReferences ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the AddReferences service.

BeginActivateSession ( ActivateSessionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the ActivateSession service.

BeginAddNodes ( AddNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the AddNodes service.

BeginAddReferences ( AddReferencesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the AddReferences service.

BeginBrowse ( BrowseMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Browse service.

BeginBrowseNext ( BrowseNextMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the BrowseNext service.

BeginCall ( CallMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Call service.

BeginCancel ( CancelMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Cancel service.

BeginCloseSession ( CloseSessionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the CloseSession service.

BeginCreateMonitoredItems ( CreateMonitoredItemsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the CreateMonitoredItems service.

BeginCreateSession ( CreateSessionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the CreateSession service.

BeginCreateSubscription ( CreateSubscriptionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the CreateSubscription service.

BeginDeleteMonitoredItems ( DeleteMonitoredItemsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the DeleteMonitoredItems service.

BeginDeleteNodes ( DeleteNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the DeleteNodes service.

BeginDeleteReferences ( DeleteReferencesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the DeleteReferences service.

BeginDeleteSubscriptions ( DeleteSubscriptionsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the DeleteSubscriptions service.

BeginFindServers ( FindServersMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the FindServers service.

BeginFindServersOnNetwork ( FindServersOnNetworkMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the FindServersOnNetwork service.

BeginGetEndpoints ( GetEndpointsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the GetEndpoints service.

BeginHistoryRead ( HistoryReadMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the HistoryRead service.

BeginHistoryUpdate ( HistoryUpdateMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the HistoryUpdate service.

BeginModifyMonitoredItems ( ModifyMonitoredItemsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the ModifyMonitoredItems service.

BeginModifySubscription ( ModifySubscriptionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the ModifySubscription service.

BeginPublish ( PublishMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Publish service.

BeginQueryFirst ( QueryFirstMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the QueryFirst service.

BeginQueryNext ( QueryNextMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the QueryNext service.

BeginRead ( ReadMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Read service.

BeginRegisterNodes ( RegisterNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the RegisterNodes service.

BeginRepublish ( RepublishMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Republish service.

BeginSetMonitoringMode ( SetMonitoringModeMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the SetMonitoringMode service.

BeginSetPublishingMode ( SetPublishingModeMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the SetPublishingMode service.

BeginSetTriggering ( SetTriggeringMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the SetTriggering service.

BeginTransferSubscriptions ( TransferSubscriptionsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the TransferSubscriptions service.

BeginTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.

BeginUnregisterNodes ( UnregisterNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the UnregisterNodes service.

BeginWrite ( WriteMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Asynchronously calls the Write service.

Browse ( BrowseMessage request ) : BrowseResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Browse service.

Browse ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Browse service.

BrowseNext ( BrowseNextMessage request ) : BrowseNextResponseMessage

The operation contract for the BrowseNext service.

BrowseNext ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the BrowseNext service.

Call ( CallMessage request ) : CallResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Call service.

Call ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Call service.

Cancel ( CancelMessage request ) : CancelResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Cancel service.

Cancel ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Cancel service.

CloseSession ( CloseSessionMessage request ) : CloseSessionResponseMessage

The operation contract for the CloseSession service.

CloseSession ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the CloseSession service.

CreateMonitoredItems ( CreateMonitoredItemsMessage request ) : CreateMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service.

CreateMonitoredItems ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service.

CreateSession ( CreateSessionMessage request ) : CreateSessionResponseMessage

The operation contract for the CreateSession service.

CreateSession ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the CreateSession service.

CreateSubscription ( CreateSubscriptionMessage request ) : CreateSubscriptionResponseMessage

The operation contract for the CreateSubscription service.

CreateSubscription ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the CreateSubscription service.

DeleteMonitoredItems ( DeleteMonitoredItemsMessage request ) : DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service.

DeleteMonitoredItems ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service.

DeleteNodes ( DeleteNodesMessage request ) : DeleteNodesResponseMessage

The operation contract for the DeleteNodes service.

DeleteNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the DeleteNodes service.

DeleteReferences ( DeleteReferencesMessage request ) : DeleteReferencesResponseMessage

The operation contract for the DeleteReferences service.

DeleteReferences ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the DeleteReferences service.

DeleteSubscriptions ( DeleteSubscriptionsMessage request ) : DeleteSubscriptionsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service.

DeleteSubscriptions ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service.

EndActivateSession ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ActivateSessionResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the ActivateSession service to complete.

EndAddNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : AddNodesResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the AddNodes service to complete.

EndAddReferences ( IAsyncResult ar ) : AddReferencesResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the AddReferences service to complete.

EndBrowse ( IAsyncResult ar ) : BrowseResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Browse service to complete.

EndBrowseNext ( IAsyncResult ar ) : BrowseNextResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the BrowseNext service to complete.

EndCall ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CallResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Call service to complete.

EndCancel ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CancelResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Cancel service to complete.

EndCloseSession ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CloseSessionResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CloseSession service to complete.

EndCreateMonitoredItems ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CreateMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateMonitoredItems service to complete.

EndCreateSession ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CreateSessionResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateSession service to complete.

EndCreateSubscription ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CreateSubscriptionResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateSubscription service to complete.

EndDeleteMonitoredItems ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteMonitoredItems service to complete.

EndDeleteNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteNodesResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteNodes service to complete.

EndDeleteReferences ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteReferencesResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteReferences service to complete.

EndDeleteSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteSubscriptionsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteSubscriptions service to complete.

EndFindServers ( IAsyncResult ar ) : FindServersResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServers service to complete.

EndFindServersOnNetwork ( IAsyncResult ar ) : FindServersOnNetworkResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServersOnNetwork service to complete.

EndGetEndpoints ( IAsyncResult ar ) : GetEndpointsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the GetEndpoints service to complete.

EndHistoryRead ( IAsyncResult ar ) : HistoryReadResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the HistoryRead service to complete.

EndHistoryUpdate ( IAsyncResult ar ) : HistoryUpdateResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the HistoryUpdate service to complete.

EndModifyMonitoredItems ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the ModifyMonitoredItems service to complete.

EndModifySubscription ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ModifySubscriptionResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the ModifySubscription service to complete.

EndPublish ( IAsyncResult ar ) : PublishResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Publish service to complete.

EndQueryFirst ( IAsyncResult ar ) : QueryFirstResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the QueryFirst service to complete.

EndQueryNext ( IAsyncResult ar ) : QueryNextResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the QueryNext service to complete.

EndRead ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ReadResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Read service to complete.

EndRegisterNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : RegisterNodesResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the RegisterNodes service to complete.

EndRepublish ( IAsyncResult ar ) : RepublishResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Republish service to complete.

EndSetMonitoringMode ( IAsyncResult ar ) : SetMonitoringModeResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetMonitoringMode service to complete.

EndSetPublishingMode ( IAsyncResult ar ) : SetPublishingModeResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetPublishingMode service to complete.

EndSetTriggering ( IAsyncResult ar ) : SetTriggeringResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetTriggering service to complete.

EndTransferSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult ar ) : TransferSubscriptionsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the TransferSubscriptions service to complete.

EndTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( IAsyncResult ar ) : TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service to complete.

EndUnregisterNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : UnregisterNodesResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the UnregisterNodes service to complete.

EndWrite ( IAsyncResult ar ) : WriteResponseMessage

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Write service to complete.

FindServers ( FindServersMessage request ) : FindServersResponseMessage

The operation contract for the FindServers service.

FindServers ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the FindServers service.

FindServersOnNetwork ( FindServersOnNetworkMessage request ) : FindServersOnNetworkResponseMessage

The operation contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service.

FindServersOnNetwork ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service.

GetEndpoints ( GetEndpointsMessage request ) : GetEndpointsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the GetEndpoints service.

GetEndpoints ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the GetEndpoints service.

HistoryRead ( HistoryReadMessage request ) : HistoryReadResponseMessage

The operation contract for the HistoryRead service.

HistoryRead ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the HistoryRead service.

HistoryUpdate ( HistoryUpdateMessage request ) : HistoryUpdateResponseMessage

The operation contract for the HistoryUpdate service.

HistoryUpdate ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the HistoryUpdate service.

ModifyMonitoredItems ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service.

ModifyMonitoredItems ( ModifyMonitoredItemsMessage request ) : ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service.

ModifySubscription ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the ModifySubscription service.

ModifySubscription ( ModifySubscriptionMessage request ) : ModifySubscriptionResponseMessage

The operation contract for the ModifySubscription service.

Publish ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Publish service.

Publish ( PublishMessage request ) : PublishResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Publish service.

QueryFirst ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the QueryFirst service.

QueryFirst ( QueryFirstMessage request ) : QueryFirstResponseMessage

The operation contract for the QueryFirst service.

QueryNext ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the QueryNext service.

QueryNext ( QueryNextMessage request ) : QueryNextResponseMessage

The operation contract for the QueryNext service.

Read ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Read service.

Read ( ReadMessage request ) : ReadResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Read service.

RegisterNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the RegisterNodes service.

RegisterNodes ( RegisterNodesMessage request ) : RegisterNodesResponseMessage

The operation contract for the RegisterNodes service.

Republish ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Republish service.

Republish ( RepublishMessage request ) : RepublishResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Republish service.

SessionEndpoint ( ) : System

Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework.

SessionEndpoint ( IServiceHostBase host ) : System

Initializes the when it is created directly.

SessionEndpoint ( ServerBase server ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SessionEndpoint class.

SetMonitoringMode ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service.

SetMonitoringMode ( SetMonitoringModeMessage request ) : SetMonitoringModeResponseMessage

The operation contract for the SetMonitoringMode service.

SetPublishingMode ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the SetPublishingMode service.

SetPublishingMode ( SetPublishingModeMessage request ) : SetPublishingModeResponseMessage

The operation contract for the SetPublishingMode service.

SetTriggering ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the SetTriggering service.

SetTriggering ( SetTriggeringMessage request ) : SetTriggeringResponseMessage

The operation contract for the SetTriggering service.

TransferSubscriptions ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service.

TransferSubscriptions ( TransferSubscriptionsMessage request ) : TransferSubscriptionsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the TransferSubscriptions service.

TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.

TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsMessage request ) : TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseMessage

The operation contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.

UnregisterNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the UnregisterNodes service.

UnregisterNodes ( UnregisterNodesMessage request ) : UnregisterNodesResponseMessage

The operation contract for the UnregisterNodes service.

Write ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Invokes the Write service.

Write ( WriteMessage request ) : WriteResponseMessage

The operation contract for the Write service.

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateKnownTypes ( ) : void

Populates the known types table.

Method Details

ActivateSession() public method

The operation contract for the ActivateSession service.
public ActivateSession ( ActivateSessionMessage request ) : ActivateSessionResponseMessage
request ActivateSessionMessage
return ActivateSessionResponseMessage

ActivateSession() public method

Invokes the ActivateSession service.
public ActivateSession ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

AddNodes() public method

The operation contract for the AddNodes service.
public AddNodes ( AddNodesMessage request ) : AddNodesResponseMessage
request AddNodesMessage
return AddNodesResponseMessage

AddNodes() public method

Invokes the AddNodes service.
public AddNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

AddReferences() public method

The operation contract for the AddReferences service.
public AddReferences ( AddReferencesMessage request ) : AddReferencesResponseMessage
request AddReferencesMessage
return AddReferencesResponseMessage

AddReferences() public method

Invokes the AddReferences service.
public AddReferences ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

BeginActivateSession() public method

Asynchronously calls the ActivateSession service.
public BeginActivateSession ( ActivateSessionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message ActivateSessionMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginAddNodes() public method

Asynchronously calls the AddNodes service.
public BeginAddNodes ( AddNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message AddNodesMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginAddReferences() public method

Asynchronously calls the AddReferences service.
public BeginAddReferences ( AddReferencesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message AddReferencesMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginBrowse() public method

Asynchronously calls the Browse service.
public BeginBrowse ( BrowseMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message BrowseMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginBrowseNext() public method

Asynchronously calls the BrowseNext service.
public BeginBrowseNext ( BrowseNextMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message BrowseNextMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginCall() public method

Asynchronously calls the Call service.
public BeginCall ( CallMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message CallMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginCancel() public method

Asynchronously calls the Cancel service.
public BeginCancel ( CancelMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message CancelMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginCloseSession() public method

Asynchronously calls the CloseSession service.
public BeginCloseSession ( CloseSessionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message CloseSessionMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginCreateMonitoredItems() public method

Asynchronously calls the CreateMonitoredItems service.
public BeginCreateMonitoredItems ( CreateMonitoredItemsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message CreateMonitoredItemsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginCreateSession() public method

Asynchronously calls the CreateSession service.
public BeginCreateSession ( CreateSessionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message CreateSessionMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginCreateSubscription() public method

Asynchronously calls the CreateSubscription service.
public BeginCreateSubscription ( CreateSubscriptionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message CreateSubscriptionMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteMonitoredItems() public method

Asynchronously calls the DeleteMonitoredItems service.
public BeginDeleteMonitoredItems ( DeleteMonitoredItemsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message DeleteMonitoredItemsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteNodes() public method

Asynchronously calls the DeleteNodes service.
public BeginDeleteNodes ( DeleteNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message DeleteNodesMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteReferences() public method

Asynchronously calls the DeleteReferences service.
public BeginDeleteReferences ( DeleteReferencesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message DeleteReferencesMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteSubscriptions() public method

Asynchronously calls the DeleteSubscriptions service.
public BeginDeleteSubscriptions ( DeleteSubscriptionsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message DeleteSubscriptionsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginFindServers() public method

Asynchronously calls the FindServers service.
public BeginFindServers ( FindServersMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message FindServersMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginFindServersOnNetwork() public method

Asynchronously calls the FindServersOnNetwork service.
public BeginFindServersOnNetwork ( FindServersOnNetworkMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message FindServersOnNetworkMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginGetEndpoints() public method

Asynchronously calls the GetEndpoints service.
public BeginGetEndpoints ( GetEndpointsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message GetEndpointsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginHistoryRead() public method

Asynchronously calls the HistoryRead service.
public BeginHistoryRead ( HistoryReadMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message HistoryReadMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginHistoryUpdate() public method

Asynchronously calls the HistoryUpdate service.
public BeginHistoryUpdate ( HistoryUpdateMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message HistoryUpdateMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginModifyMonitoredItems() public method

Asynchronously calls the ModifyMonitoredItems service.
public BeginModifyMonitoredItems ( ModifyMonitoredItemsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message ModifyMonitoredItemsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginModifySubscription() public method

Asynchronously calls the ModifySubscription service.
public BeginModifySubscription ( ModifySubscriptionMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message ModifySubscriptionMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginPublish() public method

Asynchronously calls the Publish service.
public BeginPublish ( PublishMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message PublishMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginQueryFirst() public method

Asynchronously calls the QueryFirst service.
public BeginQueryFirst ( QueryFirstMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message QueryFirstMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginQueryNext() public method

Asynchronously calls the QueryNext service.
public BeginQueryNext ( QueryNextMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message QueryNextMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginRead() public method

Asynchronously calls the Read service.
public BeginRead ( ReadMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message ReadMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginRegisterNodes() public method

Asynchronously calls the RegisterNodes service.
public BeginRegisterNodes ( RegisterNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message RegisterNodesMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginRepublish() public method

Asynchronously calls the Republish service.
public BeginRepublish ( RepublishMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message RepublishMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginSetMonitoringMode() public method

Asynchronously calls the SetMonitoringMode service.
public BeginSetMonitoringMode ( SetMonitoringModeMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message SetMonitoringModeMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginSetPublishingMode() public method

Asynchronously calls the SetPublishingMode service.
public BeginSetPublishingMode ( SetPublishingModeMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message SetPublishingModeMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginSetTriggering() public method

Asynchronously calls the SetTriggering service.
public BeginSetTriggering ( SetTriggeringMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message SetTriggeringMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginTransferSubscriptions() public method

Asynchronously calls the TransferSubscriptions service.
public BeginTransferSubscriptions ( TransferSubscriptionsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message TransferSubscriptionsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds() public method

Asynchronously calls the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.
public BeginTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginUnregisterNodes() public method

Asynchronously calls the UnregisterNodes service.
public BeginUnregisterNodes ( UnregisterNodesMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message UnregisterNodesMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginWrite() public method

Asynchronously calls the Write service.
public BeginWrite ( WriteMessage message, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message WriteMessage
callback AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

Browse() public method

The operation contract for the Browse service.
public Browse ( BrowseMessage request ) : BrowseResponseMessage
request BrowseMessage
return BrowseResponseMessage

Browse() public method

Invokes the Browse service.
public Browse ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

BrowseNext() public method

The operation contract for the BrowseNext service.
public BrowseNext ( BrowseNextMessage request ) : BrowseNextResponseMessage
request BrowseNextMessage
return BrowseNextResponseMessage

BrowseNext() public method

Invokes the BrowseNext service.
public BrowseNext ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

Call() public method

The operation contract for the Call service.
public Call ( CallMessage request ) : CallResponseMessage
request CallMessage
return CallResponseMessage

Call() public method

Invokes the Call service.
public Call ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

Cancel() public method

The operation contract for the Cancel service.
public Cancel ( CancelMessage request ) : CancelResponseMessage
request CancelMessage
return CancelResponseMessage

Cancel() public method

Invokes the Cancel service.
public Cancel ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

CloseSession() public method

The operation contract for the CloseSession service.
public CloseSession ( CloseSessionMessage request ) : CloseSessionResponseMessage
request CloseSessionMessage
return CloseSessionResponseMessage

CloseSession() public method

Invokes the CloseSession service.
public CloseSession ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

CreateKnownTypes() protected method

Populates the known types table.
protected CreateKnownTypes ( ) : void
return void

CreateMonitoredItems() public method

The operation contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service.
public CreateMonitoredItems ( CreateMonitoredItemsMessage request ) : CreateMonitoredItemsResponseMessage
request CreateMonitoredItemsMessage
return CreateMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

CreateMonitoredItems() public method

Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service.
public CreateMonitoredItems ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

CreateSession() public method

The operation contract for the CreateSession service.
public CreateSession ( CreateSessionMessage request ) : CreateSessionResponseMessage
request CreateSessionMessage
return CreateSessionResponseMessage

CreateSession() public method

Invokes the CreateSession service.
public CreateSession ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

CreateSubscription() public method

The operation contract for the CreateSubscription service.
public CreateSubscription ( CreateSubscriptionMessage request ) : CreateSubscriptionResponseMessage
request CreateSubscriptionMessage
return CreateSubscriptionResponseMessage

CreateSubscription() public method

Invokes the CreateSubscription service.
public CreateSubscription ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

DeleteMonitoredItems() public method

The operation contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service.
public DeleteMonitoredItems ( DeleteMonitoredItemsMessage request ) : DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseMessage
request DeleteMonitoredItemsMessage
return DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

DeleteMonitoredItems() public method

Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service.
public DeleteMonitoredItems ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

DeleteNodes() public method

The operation contract for the DeleteNodes service.
public DeleteNodes ( DeleteNodesMessage request ) : DeleteNodesResponseMessage
request DeleteNodesMessage
return DeleteNodesResponseMessage

DeleteNodes() public method

Invokes the DeleteNodes service.
public DeleteNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

DeleteReferences() public method

The operation contract for the DeleteReferences service.
public DeleteReferences ( DeleteReferencesMessage request ) : DeleteReferencesResponseMessage
request DeleteReferencesMessage
return DeleteReferencesResponseMessage

DeleteReferences() public method

Invokes the DeleteReferences service.
public DeleteReferences ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

DeleteSubscriptions() public method

The operation contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service.
public DeleteSubscriptions ( DeleteSubscriptionsMessage request ) : DeleteSubscriptionsResponseMessage
request DeleteSubscriptionsMessage
return DeleteSubscriptionsResponseMessage

DeleteSubscriptions() public method

Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service.
public DeleteSubscriptions ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

EndActivateSession() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the ActivateSession service to complete.
public EndActivateSession ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ActivateSessionResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return ActivateSessionResponseMessage

EndAddNodes() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the AddNodes service to complete.
public EndAddNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : AddNodesResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return AddNodesResponseMessage

EndAddReferences() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the AddReferences service to complete.
public EndAddReferences ( IAsyncResult ar ) : AddReferencesResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return AddReferencesResponseMessage

EndBrowse() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Browse service to complete.
public EndBrowse ( IAsyncResult ar ) : BrowseResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return BrowseResponseMessage

EndBrowseNext() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the BrowseNext service to complete.
public EndBrowseNext ( IAsyncResult ar ) : BrowseNextResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return BrowseNextResponseMessage

EndCall() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Call service to complete.
public EndCall ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CallResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return CallResponseMessage

EndCancel() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Cancel service to complete.
public EndCancel ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CancelResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return CancelResponseMessage

EndCloseSession() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CloseSession service to complete.
public EndCloseSession ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CloseSessionResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return CloseSessionResponseMessage

EndCreateMonitoredItems() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateMonitoredItems service to complete.
public EndCreateMonitoredItems ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CreateMonitoredItemsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return CreateMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

EndCreateSession() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateSession service to complete.
public EndCreateSession ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CreateSessionResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return CreateSessionResponseMessage

EndCreateSubscription() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateSubscription service to complete.
public EndCreateSubscription ( IAsyncResult ar ) : CreateSubscriptionResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return CreateSubscriptionResponseMessage

EndDeleteMonitoredItems() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteMonitoredItems service to complete.
public EndDeleteMonitoredItems ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

EndDeleteNodes() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteNodes service to complete.
public EndDeleteNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteNodesResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return DeleteNodesResponseMessage

EndDeleteReferences() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteReferences service to complete.
public EndDeleteReferences ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteReferencesResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return DeleteReferencesResponseMessage

EndDeleteSubscriptions() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteSubscriptions service to complete.
public EndDeleteSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult ar ) : DeleteSubscriptionsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return DeleteSubscriptionsResponseMessage

EndFindServers() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServers service to complete.
public EndFindServers ( IAsyncResult ar ) : FindServersResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return FindServersResponseMessage

EndFindServersOnNetwork() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServersOnNetwork service to complete.
public EndFindServersOnNetwork ( IAsyncResult ar ) : FindServersOnNetworkResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return FindServersOnNetworkResponseMessage

EndGetEndpoints() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the GetEndpoints service to complete.
public EndGetEndpoints ( IAsyncResult ar ) : GetEndpointsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return GetEndpointsResponseMessage

EndHistoryRead() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the HistoryRead service to complete.
public EndHistoryRead ( IAsyncResult ar ) : HistoryReadResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return HistoryReadResponseMessage

EndHistoryUpdate() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the HistoryUpdate service to complete.
public EndHistoryUpdate ( IAsyncResult ar ) : HistoryUpdateResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return HistoryUpdateResponseMessage

EndModifyMonitoredItems() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the ModifyMonitoredItems service to complete.
public EndModifyMonitoredItems ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

EndModifySubscription() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the ModifySubscription service to complete.
public EndModifySubscription ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ModifySubscriptionResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return ModifySubscriptionResponseMessage

EndPublish() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Publish service to complete.
public EndPublish ( IAsyncResult ar ) : PublishResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return PublishResponseMessage

EndQueryFirst() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the QueryFirst service to complete.
public EndQueryFirst ( IAsyncResult ar ) : QueryFirstResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return QueryFirstResponseMessage

EndQueryNext() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the QueryNext service to complete.
public EndQueryNext ( IAsyncResult ar ) : QueryNextResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return QueryNextResponseMessage

EndRead() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Read service to complete.
public EndRead ( IAsyncResult ar ) : ReadResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return ReadResponseMessage

EndRegisterNodes() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the RegisterNodes service to complete.
public EndRegisterNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : RegisterNodesResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return RegisterNodesResponseMessage

EndRepublish() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Republish service to complete.
public EndRepublish ( IAsyncResult ar ) : RepublishResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return RepublishResponseMessage

EndSetMonitoringMode() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetMonitoringMode service to complete.
public EndSetMonitoringMode ( IAsyncResult ar ) : SetMonitoringModeResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return SetMonitoringModeResponseMessage

EndSetPublishingMode() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetPublishingMode service to complete.
public EndSetPublishingMode ( IAsyncResult ar ) : SetPublishingModeResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return SetPublishingModeResponseMessage

EndSetTriggering() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetTriggering service to complete.
public EndSetTriggering ( IAsyncResult ar ) : SetTriggeringResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return SetTriggeringResponseMessage

EndTransferSubscriptions() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the TransferSubscriptions service to complete.
public EndTransferSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult ar ) : TransferSubscriptionsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return TransferSubscriptionsResponseMessage

EndTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service to complete.
public EndTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( IAsyncResult ar ) : TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseMessage

EndUnregisterNodes() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the UnregisterNodes service to complete.
public EndUnregisterNodes ( IAsyncResult ar ) : UnregisterNodesResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return UnregisterNodesResponseMessage

EndWrite() public method

Waits for an asynchronous call to the Write service to complete.
public EndWrite ( IAsyncResult ar ) : WriteResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult
return WriteResponseMessage

FindServers() public method

The operation contract for the FindServers service.
public FindServers ( FindServersMessage request ) : FindServersResponseMessage
request FindServersMessage
return FindServersResponseMessage

FindServers() public method

Invokes the FindServers service.
public FindServers ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

FindServersOnNetwork() public method

The operation contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service.
public FindServersOnNetwork ( FindServersOnNetworkMessage request ) : FindServersOnNetworkResponseMessage
request FindServersOnNetworkMessage
return FindServersOnNetworkResponseMessage

FindServersOnNetwork() public method

Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service.
public FindServersOnNetwork ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

GetEndpoints() public method

The operation contract for the GetEndpoints service.
public GetEndpoints ( GetEndpointsMessage request ) : GetEndpointsResponseMessage
request GetEndpointsMessage
return GetEndpointsResponseMessage

GetEndpoints() public method

Invokes the GetEndpoints service.
public GetEndpoints ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

HistoryRead() public method

The operation contract for the HistoryRead service.
public HistoryRead ( HistoryReadMessage request ) : HistoryReadResponseMessage
request HistoryReadMessage
return HistoryReadResponseMessage

HistoryRead() public method

Invokes the HistoryRead service.
public HistoryRead ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

HistoryUpdate() public method

The operation contract for the HistoryUpdate service.
public HistoryUpdate ( HistoryUpdateMessage request ) : HistoryUpdateResponseMessage
request HistoryUpdateMessage
return HistoryUpdateResponseMessage

HistoryUpdate() public method

Invokes the HistoryUpdate service.
public HistoryUpdate ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

ModifyMonitoredItems() public method

Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service.
public ModifyMonitoredItems ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

ModifyMonitoredItems() public method

The operation contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service.
public ModifyMonitoredItems ( ModifyMonitoredItemsMessage request ) : ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseMessage
request ModifyMonitoredItemsMessage
return ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseMessage

ModifySubscription() public method

Invokes the ModifySubscription service.
public ModifySubscription ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

ModifySubscription() public method

The operation contract for the ModifySubscription service.
public ModifySubscription ( ModifySubscriptionMessage request ) : ModifySubscriptionResponseMessage
request ModifySubscriptionMessage
return ModifySubscriptionResponseMessage

Publish() public method

Invokes the Publish service.
public Publish ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

Publish() public method

The operation contract for the Publish service.
public Publish ( PublishMessage request ) : PublishResponseMessage
request PublishMessage
return PublishResponseMessage

QueryFirst() public method

Invokes the QueryFirst service.
public QueryFirst ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

QueryFirst() public method

The operation contract for the QueryFirst service.
public QueryFirst ( QueryFirstMessage request ) : QueryFirstResponseMessage
request QueryFirstMessage
return QueryFirstResponseMessage

QueryNext() public method

Invokes the QueryNext service.
public QueryNext ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

QueryNext() public method

The operation contract for the QueryNext service.
public QueryNext ( QueryNextMessage request ) : QueryNextResponseMessage
request QueryNextMessage
return QueryNextResponseMessage

Read() public method

Invokes the Read service.
public Read ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

Read() public method

The operation contract for the Read service.
public Read ( ReadMessage request ) : ReadResponseMessage
request ReadMessage
return ReadResponseMessage

RegisterNodes() public method

Invokes the RegisterNodes service.
public RegisterNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

RegisterNodes() public method

The operation contract for the RegisterNodes service.
public RegisterNodes ( RegisterNodesMessage request ) : RegisterNodesResponseMessage
request RegisterNodesMessage
return RegisterNodesResponseMessage

Republish() public method

Invokes the Republish service.
public Republish ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

Republish() public method

The operation contract for the Republish service.
public Republish ( RepublishMessage request ) : RepublishResponseMessage
request RepublishMessage
return RepublishResponseMessage

SessionEndpoint() public method

Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework.
public SessionEndpoint ( ) : System
return System

SessionEndpoint() public method

Initializes the when it is created directly.
public SessionEndpoint ( IServiceHostBase host ) : System
host IServiceHostBase
return System

SessionEndpoint() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SessionEndpoint class.
public SessionEndpoint ( ServerBase server ) : System
server ServerBase The server.
return System

SetMonitoringMode() public method

Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service.
public SetMonitoringMode ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

SetMonitoringMode() public method

The operation contract for the SetMonitoringMode service.
public SetMonitoringMode ( SetMonitoringModeMessage request ) : SetMonitoringModeResponseMessage
request SetMonitoringModeMessage
return SetMonitoringModeResponseMessage

SetPublishingMode() public method

Invokes the SetPublishingMode service.
public SetPublishingMode ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

SetPublishingMode() public method

The operation contract for the SetPublishingMode service.
public SetPublishingMode ( SetPublishingModeMessage request ) : SetPublishingModeResponseMessage
request SetPublishingModeMessage
return SetPublishingModeResponseMessage

SetTriggering() public method

Invokes the SetTriggering service.
public SetTriggering ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

SetTriggering() public method

The operation contract for the SetTriggering service.
public SetTriggering ( SetTriggeringMessage request ) : SetTriggeringResponseMessage
request SetTriggeringMessage
return SetTriggeringResponseMessage

TransferSubscriptions() public method

Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service.
public TransferSubscriptions ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

TransferSubscriptions() public method

The operation contract for the TransferSubscriptions service.
public TransferSubscriptions ( TransferSubscriptionsMessage request ) : TransferSubscriptionsResponseMessage
request TransferSubscriptionsMessage
return TransferSubscriptionsResponseMessage

TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds() public method

Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.
public TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds() public method

The operation contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.
public TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsMessage request ) : TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseMessage
request TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsMessage
return TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseMessage

UnregisterNodes() public method

Invokes the UnregisterNodes service.
public UnregisterNodes ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

UnregisterNodes() public method

The operation contract for the UnregisterNodes service.
public UnregisterNodes ( UnregisterNodesMessage request ) : UnregisterNodesResponseMessage
request UnregisterNodesMessage
return UnregisterNodesResponseMessage

Write() public method

Invokes the Write service.
public Write ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest
return IServiceResponse

Write() public method

The operation contract for the Write service.
public Write ( WriteMessage request ) : WriteResponseMessage
request WriteMessage
return WriteResponseMessage