C# Class Opc.Ua.RelativePathFormatter.Element

Inheritance: IFormattable
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary

Public Methods

Method Description
Element ( ) : System

Initializes the object the default values.

Element ( RelativePathElement element, ITypeTable typeTree ) : System

Initializes the object from a RelativePathElement

Parse ( StringReader reader ) : Element

Extracts a relative path element from a string.

ToString ( ) : string

Formats the relative path element as a string.

ToString ( string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider ) : string

Formats the numeric range as a string.

Private Methods

Method Description
EncodeName ( StringBuilder path, string name ) : void

Encodes a name using the relative path syntax.

ParseName ( StringReader reader, bool referenceName ) : Opc.Ua.QualifiedName

Extracts a browse name with an optional namespace prefix from the reader.

Method Details

Element() public method

Initializes the object the default values.
public Element ( ) : System
return System

Element() public method

Initializes the object from a RelativePathElement
public Element ( RelativePathElement element, ITypeTable typeTree ) : System
element RelativePathElement
typeTree ITypeTable
return System

Parse() public static method

Extracts a relative path element from a string.
public static Parse ( StringReader reader ) : Element
reader System.IO.StringReader The string read stream containing the text to convert to a RelativePathStringElement
return Element

ToString() public method

Formats the relative path element as a string.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

ToString() public method

Formats the numeric range as a string.
Thrown if non-null parameters are passed
public ToString ( string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider ) : string
format string (Unused) Always pass null
formatProvider IFormatProvider (Unused) Always pass null
return string