C# Class Opc.Ua.RelativePath

A class that stores a relative path
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Format ( ITypeTable typeTree ) : string

Formats the relative path as a string.

IsEmpty ( RelativePath relativePath ) : bool

Returns true if the relative path does not specify any elements.

Parse ( string browsePath, ITypeTable typeTree ) : RelativePath

Parses a relative path formatted as a string.

Parse ( string browsePath, ITypeTable typeTree, Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable currentTable, Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable targetTable ) : RelativePath

Parses a relative path formatted as a string.

RelativePath ( Opc.Ua.NodeId referenceTypeId, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName ) : System

Creates a relative path to follow the forward reference type to find the specified browse name.

RelativePath ( Opc.Ua.NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName ) : System

Creates a relative path to follow the forward reference type to find the specified browse name.

RelativePath ( Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName ) : System

Creates a relative path to follow any hierarchial references to find the specified browse name.

Method Details

Format() public method

Formats the relative path as a string.
public Format ( ITypeTable typeTree ) : string
typeTree ITypeTable
return string

IsEmpty() public static method

Returns true if the relative path does not specify any elements.
public static IsEmpty ( RelativePath relativePath ) : bool
relativePath RelativePath
return bool

Parse() public static method

Parses a relative path formatted as a string.
public static Parse ( string browsePath, ITypeTable typeTree ) : RelativePath
browsePath string
typeTree ITypeTable
return RelativePath

Parse() public static method

Parses a relative path formatted as a string.
public static Parse ( string browsePath, ITypeTable typeTree, Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable currentTable, Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable targetTable ) : RelativePath
browsePath string
typeTree ITypeTable
currentTable Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable
targetTable Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable
return RelativePath

RelativePath() public method

Creates a relative path to follow the forward reference type to find the specified browse name.
public RelativePath ( Opc.Ua.NodeId referenceTypeId, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName ) : System
referenceTypeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
browseName Opc.Ua.QualifiedName
return System

RelativePath() public method

Creates a relative path to follow the forward reference type to find the specified browse name.
public RelativePath ( Opc.Ua.NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, bool includeSubtypes, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName ) : System
referenceTypeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
isInverse bool
includeSubtypes bool
browseName Opc.Ua.QualifiedName
return System

RelativePath() public method

Creates a relative path to follow any hierarchial references to find the specified browse name.
public RelativePath ( Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName ) : System
browseName Opc.Ua.QualifiedName
return System