C# Class Opc.Ua.PropertyTypeState

A base class for all property variable type nodes.
Inheritance: BaseVariableTypeState
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary

Public Methods

Method Description
Construct ( NodeState parent ) : NodeState

Constructs an instance of a node.

PropertyTypeState ( ) : System

Initializes the type with its defalt attribute values.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Initialize ( ISystemContext context ) : void

Initializes the instance with the default values.

Method Details

Construct() public static method

Constructs an instance of a node.
public static Construct ( NodeState parent ) : NodeState
parent NodeState The parent.
return NodeState

Initialize() protected method

Initializes the instance with the default values.
protected Initialize ( ISystemContext context ) : void
context ISystemContext
return void

PropertyTypeState() public method

Initializes the type with its defalt attribute values.
public PropertyTypeState ( ) : System
return System