C# Class Opc.Ua.IssuedIdentityToken

The IssuedIdentityToken class.
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Decrypt ( X509Certificate2 certificate, byte senderNonce, string securityPolicyUri ) : void

Decrypts the Password using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in DecryptedPassword

Encrypt ( X509Certificate2 certificate, byte senderNonce, string securityPolicyUri ) : void

Encrypts the DecryptedTokenData using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in Password

Sign ( byte dataToSign, string securityPolicyUri ) : SignatureData

Creates a signature with the token.

Verify ( byte dataToVerify, SignatureData signatureData, string securityPolicyUri ) : bool

Verifies a signature created with the token.

Method Details

Decrypt() public method

Decrypts the Password using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in DecryptedPassword
public Decrypt ( X509Certificate2 certificate, byte senderNonce, string securityPolicyUri ) : void
certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
senderNonce byte
securityPolicyUri string
return void

Encrypt() public method

Encrypts the DecryptedTokenData using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in Password
public Encrypt ( X509Certificate2 certificate, byte senderNonce, string securityPolicyUri ) : void
certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
senderNonce byte
securityPolicyUri string
return void

Sign() public method

Creates a signature with the token.
public Sign ( byte dataToSign, string securityPolicyUri ) : SignatureData
dataToSign byte
securityPolicyUri string
return SignatureData

Verify() public method

Verifies a signature created with the token.
public Verify ( byte dataToVerify, SignatureData signatureData, string securityPolicyUri ) : bool
dataToVerify byte
signatureData SignatureData
securityPolicyUri string
return bool