C# Class Opc.Ua.InstanceStateSnapshot

A lightweight snapshot of an instance node.
Inheritance: IFilterTarget
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/Misc-Tools Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAttributeValue ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId, IList relativePath, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange ) : object

Returns the value of the attribute for the specified child.

Initialize ( ISystemContext context, BaseInstanceState state ) : void

Initializes the snapshot from an instance.

IsTypeOf ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId ) : bool

Returns true if the snapshort is an instance of the specified type.

SetChildValue ( Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName, NodeClass nodeClass, object value ) : void

Sets the value for a child. Adds it if it does not already exist.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateChildNode ( ISystemContext context, BaseInstanceState state ) : ChildNode

Creates a snapshot of a node.

CreateChildNodes ( ISystemContext context, BaseInstanceState state ) : List

Recusively stores the the current value for Object and Variable child nodes.

GetAttributeValue ( ChildNode node, IList relativePath, int index, uint attributeId ) : object

Returns the value of the attribute for the specified child.

SetChildValue ( ChildNode node, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName, NodeClass nodeClass, object value ) : void

Sets the value for a child. Adds it if it does not already exist.

Method Details

GetAttributeValue() public method

Returns the value of the attribute for the specified child.
public GetAttributeValue ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId, IList relativePath, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange ) : object
context FilterContext The context to use when evaluating the operand.
typeDefinitionId Opc.Ua.NodeId The type of the instance.
relativePath IList The path from the instance to the node which defines the attribute.
attributeId uint The attribute to return.
indexRange NumericRange The sub-set of an array value to return.
return object

Initialize() public method

Initializes the snapshot from an instance.
public Initialize ( ISystemContext context, BaseInstanceState state ) : void
context ISystemContext The context.
state BaseInstanceState The state.
return void

IsTypeOf() public method

Returns true if the snapshort is an instance of the specified type.
public IsTypeOf ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId ) : bool
context FilterContext The context to use when checking the type definition.
typeDefinitionId Opc.Ua.NodeId The type of the instance.
return bool

SetChildValue() public method

Sets the value for a child. Adds it if it does not already exist.
public SetChildValue ( Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName, NodeClass nodeClass, object value ) : void
browseName Opc.Ua.QualifiedName The BrowseName.
nodeClass NodeClass The node class.
value object The value.
return void