C# Class Opc.Ua.EndpointDescription

Describes how to connect to an endpoint.
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
EndpointDescription ( string url ) : System

Creates an endpoint configuration from a url.

FindUserTokenPolicy ( UserTokenType tokenType, XmlQualifiedName issuedTokenType ) : UserTokenPolicy

Finds a token policy that matches the user identity specified.

FindUserTokenPolicy ( UserTokenType tokenType, string issuedTokenType ) : UserTokenPolicy

Finds a token policy that matches the user identity specified.

FindUserTokenPolicy ( string policyId ) : UserTokenPolicy

Finds the user token policy with the specified id.

Method Details

EndpointDescription() public method

Creates an endpoint configuration from a url.
public EndpointDescription ( string url ) : System
url string
return System

FindUserTokenPolicy() public method

Finds a token policy that matches the user identity specified.
public FindUserTokenPolicy ( UserTokenType tokenType, XmlQualifiedName issuedTokenType ) : UserTokenPolicy
tokenType UserTokenType
issuedTokenType System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName
return UserTokenPolicy

FindUserTokenPolicy() public method

Finds a token policy that matches the user identity specified.
public FindUserTokenPolicy ( UserTokenType tokenType, string issuedTokenType ) : UserTokenPolicy
tokenType UserTokenType
issuedTokenType string
return UserTokenPolicy

FindUserTokenPolicy() public method

Finds the user token policy with the specified id.
public FindUserTokenPolicy ( string policyId ) : UserTokenPolicy
policyId string
return UserTokenPolicy