C# Class Opc.Ua.EndpointBase

A base class for UA endpoints.
Inheritance: IEndpointBase, ITransportListenerCallback
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
GetHostForContext IServiceHostBase
GetServerForContext IServerBase

Public Methods

Method Description
BeginInvokeService ( InvokeServiceMessage message, AsyncCallback callack, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.

BeginProcessRequest ( string channeId, EndpointDescription endpointDescription, IServiceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult

Begins processing a request received via a binary encoded channel.

EndInvokeService ( IAsyncResult ar ) : InvokeServiceResponseMessage

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.

EndProcessRequest ( IAsyncResult result ) : IServiceResponse

Ends processing a request received via a binary encoded channel.

InvokeService ( InvokeServiceMessage request ) : InvokeServiceResponseMessage

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.

ProcessRequest ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateFault ( IServiceRequest request, Exception exception ) : ServiceFault

Creates a fault message.

CreateSoapFault ( IServiceRequest request, Exception exception ) : Exception

Creates a fault message.

EndpointBase ( ) : System

Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework.

EndpointBase ( IServiceHostBase host ) : System

Initializes the when it is created directly.

EndpointBase ( ServerBase server ) : System

Initializes the endpoint with a server instead of a host.

FindService ( Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId requestTypeId ) : ServiceDefinition

Finds the service identified by the request type.

GetEndpointDescription ( ) : EndpointDescription

Find the endpoint description for the endpoint.

OnRequestReceived ( IServiceRequest request ) : void

Called when a new request is received by the endpoint.

OnResponseFaultSent ( Exception fault ) : void

Called when a response fault sent via the endpoint.

OnResponseSent ( IServiceResponse response ) : void

Called when a response sent via the endpoint.

SetRequestContext ( RequestEncoding encoding ) : void

Sets the request context for the thread.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetHostForContext ( ) : IServiceHostBase
GetServerForContext ( ) : IServerBase

Method Details

BeginInvokeService() public method

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.
public BeginInvokeService ( InvokeServiceMessage message, AsyncCallback callack, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
message InvokeServiceMessage
callack AsyncCallback
callbackData object
return IAsyncResult

BeginProcessRequest() public method

Begins processing a request received via a binary encoded channel.
public BeginProcessRequest ( string channeId, EndpointDescription endpointDescription, IServiceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object callbackData ) : IAsyncResult
channeId string A unique identifier for the secure channel which is the source of the request.
endpointDescription EndpointDescription The description of the endpoint which the secure channel is using.
request IServiceRequest The incoming request.
callback AsyncCallback The callback.
callbackData object The callback data.
return IAsyncResult

CreateFault() protected static method

Creates a fault message.
protected static CreateFault ( IServiceRequest request, Exception exception ) : ServiceFault
request IServiceRequest The request.
exception System.Exception The exception.
return ServiceFault

CreateSoapFault() protected static method

Creates a fault message.
protected static CreateSoapFault ( IServiceRequest request, Exception exception ) : Exception
request IServiceRequest The request.
exception System.Exception The exception.
return System.Exception

EndInvokeService() public method

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.
public EndInvokeService ( IAsyncResult ar ) : InvokeServiceResponseMessage
ar IAsyncResult The ar.
return InvokeServiceResponseMessage

EndProcessRequest() public method

Ends processing a request received via a binary encoded channel.
public EndProcessRequest ( IAsyncResult result ) : IServiceResponse
result IAsyncResult The result returned by the BeginProcessRequest method.
return IServiceResponse

EndpointBase() protected method

Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework.
protected EndpointBase ( ) : System
return System

EndpointBase() protected method

Initializes the when it is created directly.
protected EndpointBase ( IServiceHostBase host ) : System
host IServiceHostBase The host.
return System

EndpointBase() protected method

Initializes the endpoint with a server instead of a host.
protected EndpointBase ( ServerBase server ) : System
server ServerBase
return System

FindService() protected method

Finds the service identified by the request type.
protected FindService ( Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId requestTypeId ) : ServiceDefinition
requestTypeId Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId
return ServiceDefinition

GetEndpointDescription() protected method

Find the endpoint description for the endpoint.
protected GetEndpointDescription ( ) : EndpointDescription
return EndpointDescription

InvokeService() public method

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.
public InvokeService ( InvokeServiceMessage request ) : InvokeServiceResponseMessage
request InvokeServiceMessage Request.
return InvokeServiceResponseMessage

OnRequestReceived() protected method

Called when a new request is received by the endpoint.
protected OnRequestReceived ( IServiceRequest request ) : void
request IServiceRequest The request.
return void

OnResponseFaultSent() protected method

Called when a response fault sent via the endpoint.
protected OnResponseFaultSent ( Exception fault ) : void
fault Exception The fault.
return void

OnResponseSent() protected method

Called when a response sent via the endpoint.
protected OnResponseSent ( IServiceResponse response ) : void
response IServiceResponse The response.
return void

ProcessRequest() public method

Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request.
public ProcessRequest ( IServiceRequest incoming ) : IServiceResponse
incoming IServiceRequest Incoming request.
return IServiceResponse

SetRequestContext() protected method

Sets the request context for the thread.
protected SetRequestContext ( RequestEncoding encoding ) : void
encoding RequestEncoding The encoding.
return void