C# Class Opc.Ua.EncodeableObject

Inheritance: IEncodeable
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyDataEncoding ( ServiceMessageContext context, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName dataEncoding, object &value ) : ServiceResult

Applies the data encoding to the value.

Decode ( IDecoder decoder ) : void
Encode ( ServiceMessageContext context, IEncodeable encodeable, bool useXml ) : Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject

Encodes the object in XML or Binary

Encode ( IEncoder encoder ) : void
EncodeBinary ( IEncodeable encodeable, ServiceMessageContext context ) : byte[]

Encodes the object in binary

EncodeXml ( IEncodeable encodeable, ServiceMessageContext context ) : XmlElement

Encodes the object in XML.

IsEqual ( IEncodeable encodeable ) : bool

Checks if the value has changed.

MemberwiseClone ( ) : object

Returns a deep copy of an encodeable object.

Method Details

ApplyDataEncoding() public static method

Applies the data encoding to the value.
public static ApplyDataEncoding ( ServiceMessageContext context, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName dataEncoding, object &value ) : ServiceResult
context ServiceMessageContext
dataEncoding Opc.Ua.QualifiedName
value object
return ServiceResult

Decode() public method

public Decode ( IDecoder decoder ) : void
decoder IDecoder
return void

Encode() public static method

Encodes the object in XML or Binary
public static Encode ( ServiceMessageContext context, IEncodeable encodeable, bool useXml ) : Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject
context ServiceMessageContext
encodeable IEncodeable
useXml bool
return Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject

Encode() public method

public Encode ( IEncoder encoder ) : void
encoder IEncoder
return void

EncodeBinary() public static method

Encodes the object in binary
public static EncodeBinary ( IEncodeable encodeable, ServiceMessageContext context ) : byte[]
encodeable IEncodeable
context ServiceMessageContext
return byte[]

EncodeXml() public static method

Encodes the object in XML.
public static EncodeXml ( IEncodeable encodeable, ServiceMessageContext context ) : XmlElement
encodeable IEncodeable
context ServiceMessageContext
return System.Xml.XmlElement

IsEqual() public method

Checks if the value has changed.
public IsEqual ( IEncodeable encodeable ) : bool
encodeable IEncodeable
return bool

MemberwiseClone() public method

Returns a deep copy of an encodeable object.
public MemberwiseClone ( ) : object
return object