C# Class Opc.Ua.DialogConditionState

ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
OnRespond DialogResponseEventHandler

Public Methods

Method Description
Activate ( ISystemContext context ) : void

Activates the dialog.

SetResponse ( ISystemContext context, int response ) : void

Sets the response to the dialog.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnAfterCreate ( ISystemContext context, NodeState node ) : void

Called after a node is created.

OnRespondCalled ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, int selectedResponse ) : ServiceResult

Called when the Respond method is called.

UpdateEffectiveState ( ISystemContext context ) : void

Updates the effective state for the condition.

Method Details

Activate() public method

Activates the dialog.
public Activate ( ISystemContext context ) : void
context ISystemContext The system context.
return void

OnAfterCreate() protected method

Called after a node is created.
protected OnAfterCreate ( ISystemContext context, NodeState node ) : void
context ISystemContext
node NodeState
return void

OnRespondCalled() protected method

Called when the Respond method is called.
protected OnRespondCalled ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, int selectedResponse ) : ServiceResult
context ISystemContext The system context.
method MethodState The method being called.
objectId Opc.Ua.NodeId The id of the object.
selectedResponse int The selected response.
return ServiceResult

SetResponse() public method

Sets the response to the dialog.
public SetResponse ( ISystemContext context, int response ) : void
context ISystemContext The system context.
response int The selected response.
return void

UpdateEffectiveState() protected method

Updates the effective state for the condition.
protected UpdateEffectiveState ( ISystemContext context ) : void
context ISystemContext The context.
return void

Property Details

OnRespond public_oe property

Raised when a dialog receives a Response.
Return code can be used to cancel the operation.
public DialogResponseEventHandler OnRespond
return DialogResponseEventHandler