C# Class Opc.Ua.ContentFilter

Inheritance: IFormattable
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Evaluate ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target ) : bool

Evaluates the first element in the ContentFilter. If the first or any subsequent element has dependent elements, the dependent elements are evaluated before the root element (recursive descent). Elements which are not linked (directly or indirectly) to the first element will not be evaluated (they have no influence on the result).

Private Methods

Method Description
And ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

And FilterOperator

Between ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

Between FilterOperator

Cast ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : object

Cast FilterOperator

Cast ( object source, BuiltInType targetType ) : object

Casts a value to the specified target type.

Cast ( object source, BuiltInType sourceType, BuiltInType targetType ) : object

Casts a value to the specified target type.

DoImplicitConversion ( object &value1, object &value2 ) : void

Implicitly converts the values according to their data type precedence.

Equals ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool

Equals FilterOperator

Evaluate ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, int index ) : object

Evaluates element at the specified index.

GetBuiltInType ( Opc.Ua.NodeId datatypeId ) : BuiltInType

Returns the BuiltInType type for the DataTypeId.

GetBuiltInType ( object value ) : BuiltInType

Returns the BuiltInType type for the value.

GetDataTypePrecedence ( BuiltInType type ) : int

Returns the data type precedence for the value.

GetOperands ( ContentFilterElement element, int expectedCount ) : Opc.Ua.FilterOperand[]

Returns the operands for the element.

GetValue ( FilterContext context, FilterOperand operand, IFilterTarget target ) : object

Returns the value for the element.

GreaterThan ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

GreaterThan FilterOperator

GreaterThanOrEqual ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

GreaterThanOrEqual FilterOperator

InList ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

InList FilterOperator

InView ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool

InView FilterOperator

IsEqual ( object value1, object value2 ) : bool

Returns true if the values are equal.

IsNull ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool

IsNull FilterOperator

LessThan ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

LessThan FilterOperator

LessThanOrEqual ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

LessThanOrEqual FilterOperator

Like ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool

Like FilterOperator

Match ( string target, string pattern ) : bool

Returns true if the target string matches the UA pattern string. The pattern string may include UA wildcards %_\[]!

Not ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

Not FilterOperator

OfType ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool

OfType FilterOperator

Or ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool?

Or FilterOperator

RelatedTo ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element ) : bool

RelatedTo FilterOperator

RelatedTo ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target, ContentFilterElement element, Opc.Ua.NodeId intermediateNodeId ) : bool

RelatedTo FilterOperator

ToBoolean ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Boolean

ToByte ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Byte

ToByteString ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a ByteString

ToDateTime ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a DateTime

ToDouble ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Double

ToExpandedNodeId ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a ExpandedNodeId

ToFloat ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Float

ToGuid ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Guid

ToInt16 ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Int16

ToInt32 ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Int32

ToInt64 ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a Int64

ToLocalizedText ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a LocalizedText

ToNodeId ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a NodeId

ToQualifiedName ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a QualifiedName

ToSByte ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a SByte

ToStatusCode ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a StatusCode

ToString ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a String

ToUInt16 ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a UInt16

ToUInt32 ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a UInt32

ToUInt64 ( object value, BuiltInType sourceType ) : object

Converts a value to a UInt64

Method Details

Evaluate() public method

Evaluates the first element in the ContentFilter. If the first or any subsequent element has dependent elements, the dependent elements are evaluated before the root element (recursive descent). Elements which are not linked (directly or indirectly) to the first element will not be evaluated (they have no influence on the result).
public Evaluate ( FilterContext context, IFilterTarget target ) : bool
context FilterContext The context to use when evaluating the filter.
target IFilterTarget The target to use when evaluating elements that reference the type model.
return bool