C# Class Opc.Ua.CertificateIdentifierCollection

A collection of CertificateIdentifier objects.
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( X509Certificate2 certificate ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Adds a certificate to the store.

AddCRL ( X509CRL crl ) : void

Adds a CRL to the store.

Close ( ) : void

Closes the store.

Delete ( string thumbprint ) : Task

Deletes a certificate from the store.

DeleteCRL ( X509CRL crl ) : bool

Removes a CRL from the store.

Dispose ( ) : void

Frees any unmanaged resources.

Enumerate ( ) : Task

Enumerates the certificates in the store.

Identifiers which do not refer to valid certificates are ignored.

EnumerateCRLs ( ) : List

Returns the CRLs in the store.

EnumerateCRLs ( X509Certificate2 issuer ) : List

Returns the CRLs for the issuer.

FindByThumbprint ( string thumbprint ) : Task

Finds the certificate with the specified thumprint.

GetAccessRules ( ) : IList

Returns the access rules that are currently applied to the store.

GetAccessRules ( string thumbprint ) : IList

Returns the access rules that are currently applied to the certficate's private key.

GetPrivateKeyFilePath ( string thumbprint ) : string

Returns the file containing the private key for the specified certificate.

IsRevoked ( X509Certificate2 issuer, X509Certificate2 certificate ) : StatusCode

Checks if issuer has revoked the certificate.

MemberwiseClone ( ) : object

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Open ( string location ) : void

Opens the store at the specified location.

The syntax depends on the store implementation.

SetAccessRules ( IList rules, bool replaceExisting ) : void

Sets the access rules that are currently applied to the store.

SetAccessRules ( string thumbprint, IList rules, bool replaceExisting ) : void

Sets the access rules that are currently applied to the certficate's private key.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

An overrideable version of the Dispose.

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds a certificate to the store.
public Add ( X509Certificate2 certificate ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 The certificate.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

AddCRL() public method

Adds a CRL to the store.
public AddCRL ( X509CRL crl ) : void
crl X509CRL
return void

Close() public method

Closes the store.
public Close ( ) : void
return void

Delete() public method

Deletes a certificate from the store.
public Delete ( string thumbprint ) : Task
thumbprint string The thumbprint.
return Task

DeleteCRL() public method

Removes a CRL from the store.
public DeleteCRL ( X509CRL crl ) : bool
crl X509CRL
return bool

Dispose() public method

Frees any unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

An overrideable version of the Dispose.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

Enumerate() public method

Enumerates the certificates in the store.
Identifiers which do not refer to valid certificates are ignored.
public Enumerate ( ) : Task
return Task

EnumerateCRLs() public method

Returns the CRLs in the store.
public EnumerateCRLs ( ) : List
return List

EnumerateCRLs() public method

Returns the CRLs for the issuer.
public EnumerateCRLs ( X509Certificate2 issuer ) : List
issuer X509Certificate2
return List

FindByThumbprint() public method

Finds the certificate with the specified thumprint.
public FindByThumbprint ( string thumbprint ) : Task
thumbprint string The thumbprint.
return Task

GetAccessRules() public method

Returns the access rules that are currently applied to the store.
public GetAccessRules ( ) : IList
return IList

GetAccessRules() public method

Returns the access rules that are currently applied to the certficate's private key.
public GetAccessRules ( string thumbprint ) : IList
thumbprint string The thumbprint.
return IList

GetPrivateKeyFilePath() public method

Returns the file containing the private key for the specified certificate.
public GetPrivateKeyFilePath ( string thumbprint ) : string
thumbprint string
return string

IsRevoked() public method

Checks if issuer has revoked the certificate.
public IsRevoked ( X509Certificate2 issuer, X509Certificate2 certificate ) : StatusCode
issuer X509Certificate2
certificate X509Certificate2
return StatusCode

MemberwiseClone() public method

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
public MemberwiseClone ( ) : object
return object

Open() public method

Opens the store at the specified location.
The syntax depends on the store implementation.
public Open ( string location ) : void
location string The location.
return void

SetAccessRules() public method

Sets the access rules that are currently applied to the store.
public SetAccessRules ( IList rules, bool replaceExisting ) : void
rules IList The rules.
replaceExisting bool if set to true the existing access rules are replaced.
return void

SetAccessRules() public method

Sets the access rules that are currently applied to the certficate's private key.
public SetAccessRules ( string thumbprint, IList rules, bool replaceExisting ) : void
thumbprint string The thumbprint.
rules IList The rules.
replaceExisting bool if set to true the existing access rules are replaced.
return void