C# Class Opc.Ua.BaseInstanceState

The base class for all instance nodes.
Inheritance: NodeState, IFilterTarget
ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAttributeValue ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId, IList relativePath, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange ) : object
GetAttributesToSave ( ISystemContext context ) : AttributesToSave

Returns a mask which indicates which attributes have non-default value.

GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId ( ISystemContext context ) : Opc.Ua.NodeId

Returns the id of the default type definition node for the instance.

GetDisplayPath ( ) : string

Gets a display path for the node.

GetDisplayPath ( int maxLength, char seperator ) : string

Gets a display path for the node.

GetDisplayText ( ) : string

Gets a display text for the node.

IsTypeOf ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId ) : bool
MemberwiseClone ( ) : object

Makes a copy of the node and all children.

ReportEvent ( ISystemContext context, IFilterTarget e ) : void

Sets the flag which indicates whether event are being monitored for the instance and its children.

Save ( ISystemContext context, BinaryEncoder encoder, AttributesToSave attributesToSave ) : void

Saves object in an binary stream.

Save ( ISystemContext context, XmlEncoder encoder ) : void

Saves the attributes from the stream.

SetMinimumSamplingInterval ( ISystemContext context, double minimumSamplingInterval ) : void

Sets the minimum sampling interval for the node an all of its child variables..

Update ( ISystemContext context, BinaryDecoder decoder, AttributesToSave attibutesToLoad ) : void

Updates the specified context.

Update ( ISystemContext context, SimpleAttributeOperandCollection fields, EventFieldList e ) : void

Initializes the instance from an event notification.

This method creates components based on the browse paths in the event field and sets the NodeId or Value based on values in the event notification.

Update ( ISystemContext context, XmlDecoder decoder ) : void

Updates the attributes from the stream.

Protected Methods

Method Description
BaseInstanceState ( NodeClass nodeClass, NodeState parent ) : System

Initializes the instance with its defalt attribute values.

Export ( ISystemContext context, Node node ) : void

Exports a copy of the node to a node table.

GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId ( Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable namespaceUris ) : Opc.Ua.NodeId

Returns the id of the default type definition node for the instance.

Initialize ( ISystemContext context, NodeState source ) : void

Initializes the instance from another instance.

PopulateBrowser ( ISystemContext context, NodeBrowser browser ) : void

Populates the browser with references that meet the criteria.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetNonNullText ( NodeState node ) : string

Returns non-null text for the node.

Method Details

BaseInstanceState() protected method

Initializes the instance with its defalt attribute values.
protected BaseInstanceState ( NodeClass nodeClass, NodeState parent ) : System
nodeClass NodeClass
parent NodeState
return System

Export() protected method

Exports a copy of the node to a node table.
protected Export ( ISystemContext context, Node node ) : void
context ISystemContext The context.
node Node The node to update with the values from the instance.
return void

GetAttributeValue() public method

public GetAttributeValue ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId, IList relativePath, uint attributeId, NumericRange indexRange ) : object
context FilterContext
typeDefinitionId Opc.Ua.NodeId
relativePath IList
attributeId uint
indexRange NumericRange
return object

GetAttributesToSave() public method

Returns a mask which indicates which attributes have non-default value.
public GetAttributesToSave ( ISystemContext context ) : AttributesToSave
context ISystemContext The context for the system being accessed.
return AttributesToSave

GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId() public method

Returns the id of the default type definition node for the instance.
public GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId ( ISystemContext context ) : Opc.Ua.NodeId
context ISystemContext
return Opc.Ua.NodeId

GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId() protected method

Returns the id of the default type definition node for the instance.
protected GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId ( Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable namespaceUris ) : Opc.Ua.NodeId
namespaceUris Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable The namespace uris.
return Opc.Ua.NodeId

GetDisplayPath() public method

Gets a display path for the node.
public GetDisplayPath ( ) : string
return string

GetDisplayPath() public method

Gets a display path for the node.
public GetDisplayPath ( int maxLength, char seperator ) : string
maxLength int
seperator char
return string

GetDisplayText() public method

Gets a display text for the node.
public GetDisplayText ( ) : string
return string

Initialize() protected method

Initializes the instance from another instance.
protected Initialize ( ISystemContext context, NodeState source ) : void
context ISystemContext
source NodeState
return void

IsTypeOf() public method

public IsTypeOf ( FilterContext context, Opc.Ua.NodeId typeDefinitionId ) : bool
context FilterContext
typeDefinitionId Opc.Ua.NodeId
return bool

MemberwiseClone() public method

Makes a copy of the node and all children.
public MemberwiseClone ( ) : object
return object

PopulateBrowser() protected method

Populates the browser with references that meet the criteria.
protected PopulateBrowser ( ISystemContext context, NodeBrowser browser ) : void
context ISystemContext The context for the system being accessed.
browser NodeBrowser The browser to populate.
return void

ReportEvent() public method

Sets the flag which indicates whether event are being monitored for the instance and its children.
public ReportEvent ( ISystemContext context, IFilterTarget e ) : void
context ISystemContext The system context.
e IFilterTarget The event to report.
return void

Save() public method

Saves object in an binary stream.
public Save ( ISystemContext context, BinaryEncoder encoder, AttributesToSave attributesToSave ) : void
context ISystemContext The context user.
encoder BinaryEncoder The encoder to write to.
attributesToSave AttributesToSave The masks indicating what attributes to write.
return void

Save() public method

Saves the attributes from the stream.
public Save ( ISystemContext context, XmlEncoder encoder ) : void
context ISystemContext The context for the system being accessed.
encoder XmlEncoder The encoder wrapping the stream to write.
return void

SetMinimumSamplingInterval() public method

Sets the minimum sampling interval for the node an all of its child variables..
public SetMinimumSamplingInterval ( ISystemContext context, double minimumSamplingInterval ) : void
context ISystemContext The context.
minimumSamplingInterval double The minimum sampling interval.
return void

Update() public method

Updates the specified context.
public Update ( ISystemContext context, BinaryDecoder decoder, AttributesToSave attibutesToLoad ) : void
context ISystemContext The context.
decoder BinaryDecoder The decoder.
attibutesToLoad AttributesToSave The attributes to load.
return void

Update() public method

Initializes the instance from an event notification.
This method creates components based on the browse paths in the event field and sets the NodeId or Value based on values in the event notification.
public Update ( ISystemContext context, SimpleAttributeOperandCollection fields, EventFieldList e ) : void
context ISystemContext The context.
fields SimpleAttributeOperandCollection The fields selected for the event notification.
e EventFieldList The event notification.
return void

Update() public method

Updates the attributes from the stream.
public Update ( ISystemContext context, XmlDecoder decoder ) : void
context ISystemContext The context for the system being accessed.
decoder XmlDecoder The decoder wrapping the stream to read.
return void