C# Class Oglr.Core.LevelEditor

Inheritance: ICustomTypeDescriptor, ITreeItem
ファイルを表示 Open project: SteveDunn/oglr Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddBehaviour ( IBehaviour behaviour ) : void
AddEditor ( ItemEditor editor ) : void
AddEditors ( IEnumerable itemEditors ) : void
ClearSelectedEditors ( ) : void
ContainsAnythingNamed ( string name ) : bool
CopySelectedEditorsToLayer ( LayerEditor destinationLayer ) : IEnumerable
GenerateId ( int number ) : int
GetItemByName ( string name ) : ItemEditor
GetNextItemNumber ( ) : int
GetUniqueNameBasedOn ( string name ) : string
LevelEditor ( ) : System
LevelEditor ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml ) : System
MoveSelectedIditorsToLayer ( LayerEditor chosenLayer ) : void
PropertiesChanged ( System.Windows.Forms.PropertyValueChangedEventArgs whatChanged ) : void
RenameTo ( string name ) : void
SaveAsXmlToDisk ( string filename ) : void
SelectEditor ( ItemEditor editor ) : void
SelectEditors ( SelectedEditors editors ) : void
SelectEverythingInSelectedLayer ( ) : void
SelectLayer ( LayerEditor value ) : void
SetLegacyEditorInfo ( LegacyEditorInfo legacyEditorInfo ) : void

Sets the editor info for this level from properties obtained from legacy version of Gleed2D.

ToXml ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : AttributeCollection
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : EventDescriptorCollection
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( Attribute attributes ) : EventDescriptorCollection
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : PropertyDescriptor
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : PropertyDescriptorCollection
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( Attribute attributes ) : PropertyDescriptorCollection
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : TypeConverter
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( PropertyDescriptor pd ) : object
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( Type editorBaseType ) : object
ICustomTypeDescriptor ( ) : string
allEditors ( ) : IEnumerable
clearAllSelections ( ) : void
generateId ( ) : int

Method Details

AddBehaviour() public method

public AddBehaviour ( IBehaviour behaviour ) : void
behaviour IBehaviour
return void

AddEditor() public method

public AddEditor ( ItemEditor editor ) : void
editor ItemEditor
return void

AddEditors() public method

public AddEditors ( IEnumerable itemEditors ) : void
itemEditors IEnumerable
return void

ClearSelectedEditors() public method

public ClearSelectedEditors ( ) : void
return void

ContainsAnythingNamed() public method

public ContainsAnythingNamed ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

CopySelectedEditorsToLayer() public method

public CopySelectedEditorsToLayer ( LayerEditor destinationLayer ) : IEnumerable
destinationLayer LayerEditor
return IEnumerable

GenerateId() public method

public GenerateId ( int number ) : int
number int
return int

GetItemByName() public method

public GetItemByName ( string name ) : ItemEditor
name string
return ItemEditor

GetNextItemNumber() public method

public GetNextItemNumber ( ) : int
return int

GetUniqueNameBasedOn() public method

public GetUniqueNameBasedOn ( string name ) : string
name string
return string

LevelEditor() public method

public LevelEditor ( ) : System
return System

LevelEditor() public method

public LevelEditor ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml ) : System
xml System.Xml.Linq.XElement
return System

MoveSelectedIditorsToLayer() public method

public MoveSelectedIditorsToLayer ( LayerEditor chosenLayer ) : void
chosenLayer LayerEditor
return void

PropertiesChanged() public method

public PropertiesChanged ( System.Windows.Forms.PropertyValueChangedEventArgs whatChanged ) : void
whatChanged System.Windows.Forms.PropertyValueChangedEventArgs
return void

RenameTo() public method

public RenameTo ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

SaveAsXmlToDisk() public method

public SaveAsXmlToDisk ( string filename ) : void
filename string
return void

SelectEditor() public method

public SelectEditor ( ItemEditor editor ) : void
editor ItemEditor
return void

SelectEditors() public method

public SelectEditors ( SelectedEditors editors ) : void
editors SelectedEditors
return void

SelectEverythingInSelectedLayer() public method

public SelectEverythingInSelectedLayer ( ) : void
return void

SelectLayer() public method

public SelectLayer ( LayerEditor value ) : void
value LayerEditor
return void

SetLegacyEditorInfo() public method

Sets the editor info for this level from properties obtained from legacy version of Gleed2D.
public SetLegacyEditorInfo ( LegacyEditorInfo legacyEditorInfo ) : void
legacyEditorInfo LegacyEditorInfo
return void

ToXml() public method

public ToXml ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
return System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Update() public method

public Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return void