C# Class OAuth2.Client.Impl.YahooClient

Yahoo client Right now only Yahoo Gemini and Yahoo Social support OAuth2 https://developer.yahoo.com/oauth2/guide/
Inheritance: OAuth2Client
ファイルを表示 Open project: titarenko/OAuth2

Public Methods

Method Description
YahooClient ( IRequestFactory factory, IClientConfiguration configuration ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the YahooClient class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
AfterGetAccessToken ( BeforeAfterRequestArgs args ) : void

It's required to store the User GUID obtained in the response for further usage https://developer.yahoo.com/oauth2/guide/flows_authcode/

BeforeGetUserInfo ( BeforeAfterRequestArgs args ) : void

Called just before issuing request to third-party service when everything is ready. Allows to add extra parameters to request or do any other needed preparations. We have to reformat the Url adding the user guid for accessing their information https://developer.yahoo.com/oauth2/guide/apirequests/

ParseUserInfo ( string content ) : OAuth2.Models.UserInfo

Should return parsed UserInfo from content received from third-party service.

Method Details

AfterGetAccessToken() protected method

It's required to store the User GUID obtained in the response for further usage https://developer.yahoo.com/oauth2/guide/flows_authcode/
protected AfterGetAccessToken ( BeforeAfterRequestArgs args ) : void
args BeforeAfterRequestArgs
return void

BeforeGetUserInfo() protected method

Called just before issuing request to third-party service when everything is ready. Allows to add extra parameters to request or do any other needed preparations. We have to reformat the Url adding the user guid for accessing their information https://developer.yahoo.com/oauth2/guide/apirequests/
protected BeforeGetUserInfo ( BeforeAfterRequestArgs args ) : void
args BeforeAfterRequestArgs
return void

ParseUserInfo() protected method

Should return parsed UserInfo from content received from third-party service.
protected ParseUserInfo ( string content ) : OAuth2.Models.UserInfo
content string The content which is received from third-party service.
return OAuth2.Models.UserInfo

YahooClient() public method

Initializes a new instance of the YahooClient class.
public YahooClient ( IRequestFactory factory, IClientConfiguration configuration ) : System
factory IRequestFactory The factory.
configuration IClientConfiguration The configuration.
return System