C# Class NinjaCoder.MvvmCross.Tests.Mocks.MockDirectory

Defines the MockDirectory type.
Inheritance: System.IO.Abstractions.DirectoryBase
ファイルを表示 Open project: asudbury/NinjaCoderForMvvmCross Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateDirectory ( string path ) : DirectoryInfoBase

Creates the directory.

CreateDirectory ( string path, DirectorySecurity directorySecurity ) : DirectoryInfoBase

Creates the directory.

Delete ( string path ) : void

Deletes the specified path.

Delete ( string path, bool recursive ) : void

Deletes the specified path.

Exists ( string path ) : bool

Existses the specified path.

GetAccessControl ( string path ) : DirectorySecurity

Gets the access control.

GetAccessControl ( string path, AccessControlSections includeSections ) : DirectorySecurity

Gets the access control.

GetCreationTime ( string path ) : System.DateTime

Gets the creation time.

GetCreationTimeUtc ( string path ) : System.DateTime

Gets the creation time UTC.

GetCurrentDirectory ( ) : string

Gets the current directory.

GetDirectories ( string path ) : string[]

Gets the directories.

GetDirectories ( string path, string searchPattern ) : string[]

Gets the directories.

GetDirectories ( string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption ) : string[]

Gets the directories.

GetDirectoryRoot ( string path ) : string

Gets the directory root.

GetFileSystemEntries ( string path ) : string[]

Gets the file system entries.

GetFileSystemEntries ( string path, string searchPattern ) : string[]

Gets the file system entries.

GetFiles ( string path ) : string[]

Gets the files.

GetFiles ( string path, string searchPattern ) : string[]

Gets the files.

GetFiles ( string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption ) : string[]

Gets the files.

GetLastAccessTime ( string path ) : System.DateTime

Gets the last access time.

GetLastAccessTimeUtc ( string path ) : System.DateTime

Gets the last access time UTC.

GetLastWriteTime ( string path ) : System.DateTime

Gets the last write time.

GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( string path ) : System.DateTime

Gets the last write time UTC.

GetLogicalDrives ( ) : string[]

Gets the logical drives.

GetParent ( string path ) : DirectoryInfoBase

Gets the parent.

Move ( string sourceDirName, string destDirName ) : void

Moves the specified source dir name.

SetAccessControl ( string path, DirectorySecurity directorySecurity ) : void

Sets the access control.

SetCreationTime ( string path, System.DateTime creationTime ) : void

Sets the creation time.

SetCreationTimeUtc ( string path, System.DateTime creationTimeUtc ) : void

Sets the creation time UTC.

SetCurrentDirectory ( string path ) : void

Sets the current directory.

SetLastAccessTime ( string path, System.DateTime lastAccessTime ) : void

Sets the last access time.

SetLastAccessTimeUtc ( string path, System.DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc ) : void

Sets the last access time UTC.

SetLastWriteTime ( string path, System.DateTime lastWriteTime ) : void

Sets the last write time.

SetLastWriteTimeUtc ( string path, System.DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc ) : void

Sets the last write time UTC.

Method Details

CreateDirectory() public method

Creates the directory.
public CreateDirectory ( string path ) : DirectoryInfoBase
path string The path.
return System.IO.Abstractions.DirectoryInfoBase

CreateDirectory() public method

Creates the directory.
public CreateDirectory ( string path, DirectorySecurity directorySecurity ) : DirectoryInfoBase
path string The path.
directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity The directory security.
return System.IO.Abstractions.DirectoryInfoBase

Delete() public method

Deletes the specified path.
public Delete ( string path ) : void
path string The path.
return void

Delete() public method

Deletes the specified path.
public Delete ( string path, bool recursive ) : void
path string The path.
recursive bool if set to true [recursive].
return void

Exists() public method

Existses the specified path.
public Exists ( string path ) : bool
path string The path.
return bool

GetAccessControl() public method

Gets the access control.
public GetAccessControl ( string path ) : DirectorySecurity
path string The path.
return System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

GetAccessControl() public method

Gets the access control.
public GetAccessControl ( string path, AccessControlSections includeSections ) : DirectorySecurity
path string The path.
includeSections AccessControlSections The include sections.
return System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

GetCreationTime() public method

Gets the creation time.
public GetCreationTime ( string path ) : System.DateTime
path string The path.
return System.DateTime

GetCreationTimeUtc() public method

Gets the creation time UTC.
public GetCreationTimeUtc ( string path ) : System.DateTime
path string The path.
return System.DateTime

GetCurrentDirectory() public method

Gets the current directory.
public GetCurrentDirectory ( ) : string
return string

GetDirectories() public method

Gets the directories.
public GetDirectories ( string path ) : string[]
path string The path.
return string[]

GetDirectories() public method

Gets the directories.
public GetDirectories ( string path, string searchPattern ) : string[]
path string The path.
searchPattern string The search pattern.
return string[]

GetDirectories() public method

Gets the directories.
public GetDirectories ( string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption ) : string[]
path string The path.
searchPattern string The search pattern.
searchOption SearchOption The search option.
return string[]

GetDirectoryRoot() public method

Gets the directory root.
public GetDirectoryRoot ( string path ) : string
path string The path.
return string

GetFileSystemEntries() public method

Gets the file system entries.
public GetFileSystemEntries ( string path ) : string[]
path string The path.
return string[]

GetFileSystemEntries() public method

Gets the file system entries.
public GetFileSystemEntries ( string path, string searchPattern ) : string[]
path string The path.
searchPattern string The search pattern.
return string[]

GetFiles() public method

Gets the files.
public GetFiles ( string path ) : string[]
path string The path.
return string[]

GetFiles() public method

Gets the files.
public GetFiles ( string path, string searchPattern ) : string[]
path string The path.
searchPattern string The search pattern.
return string[]

GetFiles() public method

Gets the files.
public GetFiles ( string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption ) : string[]
path string The path.
searchPattern string The search pattern.
searchOption SearchOption The search option.
return string[]

GetLastAccessTime() public method

Gets the last access time.
public GetLastAccessTime ( string path ) : System.DateTime
path string The path.
return System.DateTime

GetLastAccessTimeUtc() public method

Gets the last access time UTC.
public GetLastAccessTimeUtc ( string path ) : System.DateTime
path string The path.
return System.DateTime

GetLastWriteTime() public method

Gets the last write time.
public GetLastWriteTime ( string path ) : System.DateTime
path string The path.
return System.DateTime

GetLastWriteTimeUtc() public method

Gets the last write time UTC.
public GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( string path ) : System.DateTime
path string The path.
return System.DateTime

GetLogicalDrives() public method

Gets the logical drives.
public GetLogicalDrives ( ) : string[]
return string[]

GetParent() public method

Gets the parent.
public GetParent ( string path ) : DirectoryInfoBase
path string The path.
return System.IO.Abstractions.DirectoryInfoBase

Move() public method

Moves the specified source dir name.
public Move ( string sourceDirName, string destDirName ) : void
sourceDirName string Name of the source dir.
destDirName string Name of the dest dir.
return void

SetAccessControl() public method

Sets the access control.
public SetAccessControl ( string path, DirectorySecurity directorySecurity ) : void
path string The path.
directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity The directory security.
return void

SetCreationTime() public method

Sets the creation time.
public SetCreationTime ( string path, System.DateTime creationTime ) : void
path string The path.
creationTime System.DateTime The creation time.
return void

SetCreationTimeUtc() public method

Sets the creation time UTC.
public SetCreationTimeUtc ( string path, System.DateTime creationTimeUtc ) : void
path string The path.
creationTimeUtc System.DateTime The creation time UTC.
return void

SetCurrentDirectory() public method

Sets the current directory.
public SetCurrentDirectory ( string path ) : void
path string The path.
return void

SetLastAccessTime() public method

Sets the last access time.
public SetLastAccessTime ( string path, System.DateTime lastAccessTime ) : void
path string The path.
lastAccessTime System.DateTime The last access time.
return void

SetLastAccessTimeUtc() public method

Sets the last access time UTC.
public SetLastAccessTimeUtc ( string path, System.DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc ) : void
path string The path.
lastAccessTimeUtc System.DateTime The last access time UTC.
return void

SetLastWriteTime() public method

Sets the last write time.
public SetLastWriteTime ( string path, System.DateTime lastWriteTime ) : void
path string The path.
lastWriteTime System.DateTime The last write time.
return void

SetLastWriteTimeUtc() public method

Sets the last write time UTC.
public SetLastWriteTimeUtc ( string path, System.DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc ) : void
path string The path.
lastWriteTimeUtc System.DateTime The last write time UTC.
return void