C# Class Nexus.Client.ModManagement.AddModTask.DownloadProgressState

Stores the state of a file being downloaded.
ファイルを表示 Open project: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5

Public Methods

Method Description
DownloadProgressState ( FileDownloadTask p_fdtTask ) : System

A simple constructor that initializes teh object with the given values.

Update ( FileDownloadTask p_fdtTask ) : void

Updates the stored state to reflect the current progress of the given download.

Method Details

DownloadProgressState() public method

A simple constructor that initializes teh object with the given values.
public DownloadProgressState ( FileDownloadTask p_fdtTask ) : System
p_fdtTask Nexus.Client.DownloadManagement.FileDownloadTask The download task for which to store the progress state.
return System

Update() public method

Updates the stored state to reflect the current progress of the given download.
public Update ( FileDownloadTask p_fdtTask ) : void
p_fdtTask Nexus.Client.DownloadManagement.FileDownloadTask The download task for which to store the progress state.
return void