C# Class Nexus.Client.ModManagement.InstallationLog.InstallLog.ActiveModRegistry

This tracks the mods that have been activated.
ファイルを表示 Open project: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5

Public Methods

Method Description
ActiveModRegistry ( ) : System

The default constructor.

Clear ( ) : void

Empties the registry.

DeregisterMod ( IMod p_modMod ) : void

Deregisters the given mod.

DeregisterMod ( string p_strModKey ) : void

Deregisters the specified mod.

DoesKeyExist ( string p_strKey ) : bool

Determins if the given key exists in the registry.

GetKey ( IMod p_modMod ) : string

Gets the key associated with the given mod.

GetMod ( string p_strKey ) : IMod

Gets the mod identified by the given key.

IsModHidden ( IMod p_modMod ) : bool

Determines if the given mod is hidden.

IsModRegistered ( IMod p_modMod ) : bool

Determines if the given mod is registered.

RegisterMod ( IMod p_modNewMod, string p_strModKey ) : void

Registers the given mod as being active, and associates it with the given key.

RegisterMod ( IMod p_modNewMod, string p_strModKey, bool p_booHiddenMod ) : void

Registers the given mod as being active, and associates it with the given key.

Method Details

ActiveModRegistry() public method

The default constructor.
public ActiveModRegistry ( ) : System
return System

Clear() public method

Empties the registry.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

DeregisterMod() public method

Deregisters the given mod.
public DeregisterMod ( IMod p_modMod ) : void
p_modMod IMod The mod to deregister.
return void

DeregisterMod() public method

Deregisters the specified mod.
public DeregisterMod ( string p_strModKey ) : void
p_strModKey string The key of the mod to deregister.
return void

DoesKeyExist() public method

Determins if the given key exists in the registry.
public DoesKeyExist ( string p_strKey ) : bool
p_strKey string The key whose existence is to be determined.
return bool

GetKey() public method

Gets the key associated with the given mod.
public GetKey ( IMod p_modMod ) : string
p_modMod IMod The mod whose key is to be retrieved.
return string

GetMod() public method

Gets the mod identified by the given key.
public GetMod ( string p_strKey ) : IMod
p_strKey string The key of the mod to be retrieved.
return IMod

IsModHidden() public method

Determines if the given mod is hidden.
public IsModHidden ( IMod p_modMod ) : bool
p_modMod IMod The mod for which it is to be determined if it is registered.
return bool

IsModRegistered() public method

Determines if the given mod is registered.
public IsModRegistered ( IMod p_modMod ) : bool
p_modMod IMod The mod for which it is to be determined if it is hidden.
return bool

RegisterMod() public method

Registers the given mod as being active, and associates it with the given key.
public RegisterMod ( IMod p_modNewMod, string p_strModKey ) : void
p_modNewMod IMod The mod to register.
p_strModKey string The key with which to associate the mod.
return void

RegisterMod() public method

Registers the given mod as being active, and associates it with the given key.
public RegisterMod ( IMod p_modNewMod, string p_strModKey, bool p_booHiddenMod ) : void
p_modNewMod IMod The mod to register.
p_strModKey string The key with which to associate the mod.
p_booHiddenMod bool Whether or not the mod should be included in the /// list of active mods.
return void