C# Class Netshoes.Api.V1.SkusApi

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Inheritance: ISkusApi
ファイルを表示 Open project: netshoes/marketplace-api-sdk-csharp

Public Methods

Method Description
GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String

Gets the base path of the API client.

GetProductSku ( string ProductId, string Sku, string Expand ) : SkuResource

Get the a sku by product Id and sku Id.

GetProductSkuAsync ( string ProductId, string Sku, string Expand ) : Task

Get the a sku by product Id and sku Id.

GetStatus ( string Sku, string BuId ) : BusinessUnitResponse

Get product status.

GetStatusAsync ( string Sku, string BuId ) : Task

Get product status.

GetStock ( string Sku ) : StockResponse

Get stock info by sku.

GetStockAsync ( string Sku ) : Task

Get stock info by sku.

ListPrices ( string Sku ) : PriceResource

Get a base price.

ListPricesAsync ( string Sku ) : Task

Get a base price.

ListProductSkus ( string ProductId, int Page, int Size, string Expand ) : SkuListResource

Get the list of product skus.

ListProductSkusAsync ( string ProductId, int Page, int Size, string Expand ) : Task

Get the list of product skus.

ListSchedules ( string Sku ) : PriceList

Get a list of price schedules.

ListSchedulesAsync ( string Sku ) : Task

Get a list of price schedules.

ListSkuImages ( string ProductId, string Sku ) : ImageListResource

Get the list of sku images.

ListSkuImagesAsync ( string ProductId, string Sku ) : Task

Get the list of sku images.

SaveProductSku ( string ProductId, SkuResource Body ) : SkuResource

Create a new sku for a product.

SaveProductSkuAsync ( string ProductId, SkuResource Body ) : Task

Create a new sku for a product.

SaveSchedule ( string Sku, PriceScheduleResource Body ) : PriceScheduleResource

Save a price schedule.

SaveScheduleAsync ( string Sku, PriceScheduleResource Body ) : Task

Save a price schedule.

SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void

Sets the base path of the API client.

SkusApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SkusApi class.

SkusApi ( String basePath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SkusApi class.

UpdatePrice ( string Sku, PriceResource Body ) : PriceResource

Save a base price.

UpdatePriceAsync ( string Sku, PriceResource Body ) : Task

Save a base price.

UpdateProductSku ( string ProductId, string Sku, SkuResource Body ) : SkuResource

Update a product based on SKU.

UpdateProductSkuAsync ( string ProductId, string Sku, SkuResource Body ) : Task

Update a product based on SKU.

UpdateStatus ( string Sku, string BuId, BusinessUnitResource Body ) : BusinessUnitResource

Enable or disable sku for sale.

UpdateStatusAsync ( string Sku, string BuId, BusinessUnitResource Body ) : Task

Enable or disable sku for sale.

UpdateStock ( string Sku, StockResource Body ) : StockResponse

Update stock quantity by sku.

UpdateStockAsync ( string Sku, StockResource Body ) : Task

Update stock quantity by sku.

Method Details

GetBasePath() public method

Gets the base path of the API client.
public GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String
basePath String
return String

GetProductSku() public method

Get the a sku by product Id and sku Id.
public GetProductSku ( string ProductId, string Sku, string Expand ) : SkuResource
ProductId string
Sku string
Expand string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.SkuResource

GetProductSkuAsync() public method

Get the a sku by product Id and sku Id.
public GetProductSkuAsync ( string ProductId, string Sku, string Expand ) : Task
ProductId string
Sku string
Expand string
return Task

GetStatus() public method

Get product status.
public GetStatus ( string Sku, string BuId ) : BusinessUnitResponse
Sku string
BuId string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.BusinessUnitResponse

GetStatusAsync() public method

Get product status.
public GetStatusAsync ( string Sku, string BuId ) : Task
Sku string
BuId string
return Task

GetStock() public method

Get stock info by sku.
public GetStock ( string Sku ) : StockResponse
Sku string
return StockResponse

GetStockAsync() public method

Get stock info by sku.
public GetStockAsync ( string Sku ) : Task
Sku string
return Task

ListPrices() public method

Get a base price.
public ListPrices ( string Sku ) : PriceResource
Sku string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.PriceResource

ListPricesAsync() public method

Get a base price.
public ListPricesAsync ( string Sku ) : Task
Sku string
return Task

ListProductSkus() public method

Get the list of product skus.
public ListProductSkus ( string ProductId, int Page, int Size, string Expand ) : SkuListResource
ProductId string
Page int
Size int
Expand string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.SkuListResource

ListProductSkusAsync() public method

Get the list of product skus.
public ListProductSkusAsync ( string ProductId, int Page, int Size, string Expand ) : Task
ProductId string
Page int
Size int
Expand string
return Task

ListSchedules() public method

Get a list of price schedules.
public ListSchedules ( string Sku ) : PriceList
Sku string
return PriceList

ListSchedulesAsync() public method

Get a list of price schedules.
public ListSchedulesAsync ( string Sku ) : Task
Sku string
return Task

ListSkuImages() public method

Get the list of sku images.
public ListSkuImages ( string ProductId, string Sku ) : ImageListResource
ProductId string
Sku string
return ImageListResource

ListSkuImagesAsync() public method

Get the list of sku images.
public ListSkuImagesAsync ( string ProductId, string Sku ) : Task
ProductId string
Sku string
return Task

SaveProductSku() public method

Create a new sku for a product.
public SaveProductSku ( string ProductId, SkuResource Body ) : SkuResource
ProductId string
Body SkuResource
return SkuResource

SaveProductSkuAsync() public method

Create a new sku for a product.
public SaveProductSkuAsync ( string ProductId, SkuResource Body ) : Task
ProductId string
Body SkuResource
return Task

SaveSchedule() public method

Save a price schedule.
public SaveSchedule ( string Sku, PriceScheduleResource Body ) : PriceScheduleResource
Sku string
Body PriceScheduleResource
return PriceScheduleResource

SaveScheduleAsync() public method

Save a price schedule.
public SaveScheduleAsync ( string Sku, PriceScheduleResource Body ) : Task
Sku string
Body PriceScheduleResource
return Task

SetBasePath() public method

Sets the base path of the API client.
public SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void
basePath String
return void

SkusApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SkusApi class.
public SkusApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : System
apiClient ApiClient
return System

SkusApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SkusApi class.
public SkusApi ( String basePath ) : System
basePath String
return System

UpdatePrice() public method

Save a base price.
public UpdatePrice ( string Sku, PriceResource Body ) : PriceResource
Sku string
Body PriceResource
return PriceResource

UpdatePriceAsync() public method

Save a base price.
public UpdatePriceAsync ( string Sku, PriceResource Body ) : Task
Sku string
Body PriceResource
return Task

UpdateProductSku() public method

Update a product based on SKU.
public UpdateProductSku ( string ProductId, string Sku, SkuResource Body ) : SkuResource
ProductId string
Sku string
Body SkuResource
return SkuResource

UpdateProductSkuAsync() public method

Update a product based on SKU.
public UpdateProductSkuAsync ( string ProductId, string Sku, SkuResource Body ) : Task
ProductId string
Sku string
Body SkuResource
return Task

UpdateStatus() public method

Enable or disable sku for sale.
public UpdateStatus ( string Sku, string BuId, BusinessUnitResource Body ) : BusinessUnitResource
Sku string
BuId string
Body BusinessUnitResource
return BusinessUnitResource

UpdateStatusAsync() public method

Enable or disable sku for sale.
public UpdateStatusAsync ( string Sku, string BuId, BusinessUnitResource Body ) : Task
Sku string
BuId string
Body BusinessUnitResource
return Task

UpdateStock() public method

Update stock quantity by sku.
public UpdateStock ( string Sku, StockResource Body ) : StockResponse
Sku string
Body StockResource
return StockResponse

UpdateStockAsync() public method

Update stock quantity by sku.
public UpdateStockAsync ( string Sku, StockResource Body ) : Task
Sku string
Body StockResource
return Task