C# Class Netshoes.Api.V1.ProductsTemplatesApi

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Inheritance: IProductsTemplatesApi
ファイルを表示 Open project: netshoes/marketplace-api-sdk-csharp

Public Methods

Method Description
GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String

Gets the base path of the API client.

ListBrands ( ) : BrandListResource
ListBrandsAsync ( ) : Task
ListColors ( ) : ColorListResource
ListColorsAsync ( ) : Task
ListDepartments ( string BuId ) : DepartmentListResource

Get the list of departments.

ListDepartmentsAsync ( string BuId ) : Task

Get the list of departments.

ListFlavors ( ) : FlavorListResource
ListFlavorsAsync ( ) : Task
ListProductTypes ( int DepartmentCode ) : ProductTypeListResource

Get the list of sizes.

ListProductTypesAsync ( int DepartmentCode ) : Task

Get the list of sizes.

ListSizes ( ) : SizeListResource
ListSizesAsync ( ) : Task
ListTemplates ( int DepartmentCode, int ProductTypeCode ) : TemplateListResource

Get the list of attributes.

ListTemplatesAsync ( int DepartmentCode, int ProductTypeCode ) : Task

Get the list of attributes.

ProductsTemplatesApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ProductsTemplatesApi class.

ProductsTemplatesApi ( String basePath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ProductsTemplatesApi class.

SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void

Sets the base path of the API client.

Method Details

GetBasePath() public method

Gets the base path of the API client.
public GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String
basePath String
return String

ListBrands() public method

public ListBrands ( ) : BrandListResource
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.BrandListResource

ListBrandsAsync() public method

public ListBrandsAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

ListColors() public method

public ListColors ( ) : ColorListResource
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.ColorListResource

ListColorsAsync() public method

public ListColorsAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

ListDepartments() public method

Get the list of departments.
public ListDepartments ( string BuId ) : DepartmentListResource
BuId string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.DepartmentListResource

ListDepartmentsAsync() public method

Get the list of departments.
public ListDepartmentsAsync ( string BuId ) : Task
BuId string
return Task

ListFlavors() public method

public ListFlavors ( ) : FlavorListResource
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.FlavorListResource

ListFlavorsAsync() public method

public ListFlavorsAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

ListProductTypes() public method

Get the list of sizes.
public ListProductTypes ( int DepartmentCode ) : ProductTypeListResource
DepartmentCode int
return ProductTypeListResource

ListProductTypesAsync() public method

Get the list of sizes.
public ListProductTypesAsync ( int DepartmentCode ) : Task
DepartmentCode int
return Task

ListSizes() public method

public ListSizes ( ) : SizeListResource
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.SizeListResource

ListSizesAsync() public method

public ListSizesAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

ListTemplates() public method

Get the list of attributes.
public ListTemplates ( int DepartmentCode, int ProductTypeCode ) : TemplateListResource
DepartmentCode int
ProductTypeCode int
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.TemplateListResource

ListTemplatesAsync() public method

Get the list of attributes.
public ListTemplatesAsync ( int DepartmentCode, int ProductTypeCode ) : Task
DepartmentCode int
ProductTypeCode int
return Task

ProductsTemplatesApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ProductsTemplatesApi class.
public ProductsTemplatesApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : System
apiClient Netshoes.Api.V1.Client.ApiClient
return System

ProductsTemplatesApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ProductsTemplatesApi class.
public ProductsTemplatesApi ( String basePath ) : System
basePath String
return System

SetBasePath() public method

Sets the base path of the API client.
public SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void
basePath String
return void