C# Class NanoByte.Common.Streams.OffsetStream

This wrapper stream applies a constant byte offset to all access to an underlying stream.
Inheritance: Stream
ファイルを表示 Open project: nano-byte/common Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Close ( ) : void
Flush ( ) : void
OffsetStream ( [ baseStream, long offset ) : System

Creates a new offset stream

Read ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : int
ReadByte ( ) : int
Seek ( long offset, SeekOrigin origin ) : long
SetLength ( long value ) : void
Write ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : void
WriteByte ( byte value ) : void

Method Details

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

Flush() public method

public Flush ( ) : void
return void

OffsetStream() public method

Creates a new offset stream
public OffsetStream ( [ baseStream, long offset ) : System
baseStream [ Underlying stream for which all access will be offset.
offset long Number of bytes to offset the .
return System

Read() public method

public Read ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : int
buffer byte
offset int
count int
return int

ReadByte() public method

public ReadByte ( ) : int
return int

Seek() public method

public Seek ( long offset, SeekOrigin origin ) : long
offset long
origin SeekOrigin
return long

SetLength() public method

public SetLength ( long value ) : void
value long
return void

Write() public method

public Write ( byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : void
buffer byte
offset int
count int
return void

WriteByte() public method

public WriteByte ( byte value ) : void
value byte
return void