C# Class NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMappingCollection

A configuration element collection of MessageEndpointMappings.
Inheritance: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection
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Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping mapping ) : void

Calls BaseAdd.

Clear ( ) : void

Calls BaseClear.

IndexOf ( NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping mapping ) : int

Calls BaseIndexOf on the given mapping.

IsReadOnly ( ) : bool

True if the collection is readonly.

Remove ( NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping mapping ) : void

If the mapping exists, calls BaseRemove on it.

Remove ( string name ) : void

Calls BaseRemove.

RemoveAt ( int index ) : void

Calls BaseRemoveAt.

this ( int index ) : NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping

Gets/sets the MessageEndpointMapping at the given index.

this ( string Name ) : NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping

Gets the MessageEndpointMapping for the given name.

Protected Methods

Method Description
BaseAdd ( ConfigurationElement element ) : void

Calls BaseAdd with true as the additional parameter.

CreateNewElement ( ) : ConfigurationElement

Creates a new MessageEndpointMapping.

CreateNewElement ( string elementName ) : ConfigurationElement

Creates a new MessageEndpointMapping, setting its Message property to the given name.

GetElementKey ( ConfigurationElement element ) : object

Returns the Messages property of the given MessageEndpointMapping element.

Private Methods

Method Description
Apply ( Publishers publishers, UnicastRoutingTable unicastRoutingTable, string>.Func makeCanonicalAddress, Conventions conventions ) : void
GetBaseTypes ( Type messageType, Conventions conventions ) : List
RegisterEventRoute ( Type mappedType, string address, List publisherTableEntries, IEnumerable baseTypes ) : void
RegisterMessageRoute ( Type mappedType, string address, RouteTableEntry>.Dictionary routeTableEntries, IEnumerable baseTypes ) : void

Method Details

Add() public method

Calls BaseAdd.
public Add ( NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping mapping ) : void
mapping NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping
return void

BaseAdd() protected method

Calls BaseAdd with true as the additional parameter.
protected BaseAdd ( ConfigurationElement element ) : void
element System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement
return void

Clear() public method

Calls BaseClear.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

CreateNewElement() protected method

Creates a new MessageEndpointMapping.
protected CreateNewElement ( ) : ConfigurationElement
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement

CreateNewElement() protected method

Creates a new MessageEndpointMapping, setting its Message property to the given name.
protected CreateNewElement ( string elementName ) : ConfigurationElement
elementName string
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement

GetElementKey() protected method

Returns the Messages property of the given MessageEndpointMapping element.
protected GetElementKey ( ConfigurationElement element ) : object
element System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement
return object

IndexOf() public method

Calls BaseIndexOf on the given mapping.
public IndexOf ( NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping mapping ) : int
mapping NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping
return int

IsReadOnly() public method

True if the collection is readonly.
public IsReadOnly ( ) : bool
return bool

Remove() public method

If the mapping exists, calls BaseRemove on it.
public Remove ( NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping mapping ) : void
mapping NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping
return void

Remove() public method

Calls BaseRemove.
public Remove ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

RemoveAt() public method

Calls BaseRemoveAt.
public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int
return void

this() public method

Gets/sets the MessageEndpointMapping at the given index.
public this ( int index ) : NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping
index int
return NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping

this() public method

Gets the MessageEndpointMapping for the given name.
public this ( string Name ) : NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping
Name string
return NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping