C# Class NScumm.Sky.Music.AdLibChannel

Inheritance: IChannelBase
ファイルを表示 Open project: scemino/nscumm Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AdLibChannel ( IOpl opl, byte musicData, ushort startOfData ) : NScumm.Core
AdlibSetupInstrument ( ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void
Process ( ushort aktTime ) : byte
SetRegister ( byte regNum, byte value ) : void

This class uses the same area for the register mirror as the original asm driver did(_musicData[0xF5F..0x105E]), so the cache is indeed shared by all instances of the class.

SetupChannelVolume ( byte volume ) : void
SetupInstrument ( byte opcode ) : void
StopNote ( ) : void
UpdateVolume ( ushort volume ) : void
com90_caseNoteOff ( ) : void
com90_getChannelVolume ( ) : void
com90_getFreqOffset ( ) : void
com90_getTremoVibro ( ) : void
com90_keyOff ( ) : void
com90_loopMusic ( ) : void
com90_setLoopPoint ( ) : void
com90_setupInstrument ( ) : void
com90_stopChannel ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
GetNextEventTime ( ) : int
GetNextNote ( byte param ) : ushort
com90_updateTempo ( ) : byte

Method Details

AdLibChannel() public method

public AdLibChannel ( IOpl opl, byte musicData, ushort startOfData ) : NScumm.Core
opl IOpl
musicData byte
startOfData ushort
return NScumm.Core

AdlibSetupInstrument() public method

public AdlibSetupInstrument ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Process() public method

public Process ( ushort aktTime ) : byte
aktTime ushort
return byte

SetRegister() public method

This class uses the same area for the register mirror as the original asm driver did(_musicData[0xF5F..0x105E]), so the cache is indeed shared by all instances of the class.
public SetRegister ( byte regNum, byte value ) : void
regNum byte
value byte
return void

SetupChannelVolume() public method

public SetupChannelVolume ( byte volume ) : void
volume byte
return void

SetupInstrument() public method

public SetupInstrument ( byte opcode ) : void
opcode byte
return void

StopNote() public method

public StopNote ( ) : void
return void

UpdateVolume() public method

public UpdateVolume ( ushort volume ) : void
volume ushort
return void

com90_caseNoteOff() public method

public com90_caseNoteOff ( ) : void
return void

com90_getChannelVolume() public method

public com90_getChannelVolume ( ) : void
return void

com90_getFreqOffset() public method

public com90_getFreqOffset ( ) : void
return void

com90_getTremoVibro() public method

public com90_getTremoVibro ( ) : void
return void

com90_keyOff() public method

public com90_keyOff ( ) : void
return void

com90_loopMusic() public method

public com90_loopMusic ( ) : void
return void

com90_setLoopPoint() public method

public com90_setLoopPoint ( ) : void
return void

com90_setupInstrument() public method

public com90_setupInstrument ( ) : void
return void

com90_stopChannel() public method

public com90_stopChannel ( ) : void
return void