C# Class NGM.CasClient.Client.CASClient

Inheritance: ICASClient
ファイルを表示 Open project: NIKASoftwareDevs/Orchard

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ExtractSingleSignOutTicketFromSamlResponse string
GetCookiePath string
LogAndThrowConfigurationException void
LogAndThrowOperationException void

Public Methods

Method Description
CASClient ( ShellSettings settings, ITicketValidatorFactory ticketValidatorFactory, IRequestEvaluator requestEvaluator, IClock clock, IUrlUtil urlUtil, IAuthenticationService authenticationService, ICasServices casServices ) : System
ClearAuthCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void

Sends a blank and expired FormsAuthentication cookie to the client response. This effectively removes the FormsAuthentication cookie and revokes the FormsAuthenticationTicket. It also removes the cookie from the current Request object, preventing subsequent code from being able to access it during the execution of the current request.

CreateFormsAuthenticationTicket ( string netId, string serviceTicket, System.DateTime validFromDate, System.DateTime validUntilDate ) : System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket

Creates a FormsAuthenticationTicket for storage on the client. The UserData field contains the CAS Service Ticket which can be used by the server-side ServiceTicketManager to retrieve additional details about the ticket (e.g. assertions)

GatewayAuthenticate ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, bool ignoreGatewayStatusCookie ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Attempt to perform a CAS gateway authentication. This causes a transparent redirection out to the CAS server and back to the requesting page with or without a CAS service ticket. If the user has already authenticated for another service against the CAS server and the CAS server supports Single Sign On, this will result in the user being automatically authenticated. Otherwise, the user will remain anonymous.

GetAuthCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket ) : System.Web.HttpCookie

Creates an HttpCookie containing an encrypted FormsAuthenticationTicket, which in turn contains a CAS service ticket.

GetFormsAuthenticationTicket ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket

Looks for a FormsAuthentication cookie and attempts to parse a valid, non-expired FormsAuthenticationTicket. It ensures that the UserData field has a value (presumed to be a CAS Service Ticket).

GetGatewayStatus ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : GatewayStatus

Retrieves the GatewayStatus from the client cookie.

GetProxyTicketIdFor ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string targetServiceUrl ) : string

Attempts to connect to the CAS server to retrieve a proxy ticket for the target URL specified.

Problems retrieving proxy tickets are generally caused by SSL misconfiguration. The CAS server must be configured to trust the SSL certificate on the web application's server. The CAS server will attempt to establish an SSL connection to this web application server to confirm that the proxy ticket request is legitimate. If the server does not trust the SSL certificate or the certificate authority/chain of the SSL certificate, the request will fail.

ProcessProxyCallbackRequest ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Process a Proxy Callback request from the CAS server. Proxy Callback requests occur as a part of a proxy ticket request. When the web application requests a proxy ticket for a third party service from the CAS server, the CAS server attempts to connect back to the web application over an HTTPS connection. The success of this callback is essential for the proxy ticket request to succeed. Failures are generally caused by SSL configuration errors. See the description of the SingleSignOut method for more details. Assuming the SSL configuration is correct, this method is responsible for handling the callback from the CAS server. For more details, see the CAS protocol specification.

ProcessRequestAuthentication ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void

Attempts to authenticate requests subsequent to the initial authentication request (handled by ProcessTicketValidation). This method looks for a FormsAuthenticationCookie containing a FormsAuthenticationTicket and attempts to confirms its validitiy. It either contains the CAS service ticket or a reference to a CasAuthenticationTicket stored in the ServiceTicketManager (if configured). If it succeeds, the context.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal are set with a ICasPrincipal and the current request is considered authenticated. Otherwise, the current request is effectively anonymous.

ProcessSingleSignOutRequest ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Process SingleSignOut requests originating from another web application by removing the ticket from the ServiceTicketManager (assuming one is configured). Without a ServiceTicketManager configured, this method will not execute and this web application cannot respect external SingleSignOut requests.

ProcessTicketValidation ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void

Validates a ticket contained in the URL, presumably generated by the CAS server after a successful authentication. The actual ticket validation is performed by the configured TicketValidator (i.e., CAS 1.0, CAS 2.0, SAML 1.0). If the validation succeeds, the request is authenticated and a FormsAuthenticationCookie and corresponding CasAuthenticationTicket are created for the purpose of authenticating subsequent requests (see ProcessTicketValidation method). If the validation fails, the authentication status remains unchanged (generally the user is and remains anonymous).

ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url ) : void

Obtain a Proxy ticket and redirect to the foreign service url with that ticket included in the url. The foreign service must be configured to accept the ticket.

ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url, bool endResponse ) : void

Obtain a Proxy ticket and redirect to the foreign service url with that ticket included in the url. The foreign service must be configured to accept the ticket.

ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url, string proxyTicketUrlParameter ) : void

Obtain a Proxy ticket and redirect to the foreign service url with that ticket included in the url. The foreign service must be configured to accept the ticket.

ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url, string proxyTicketUrlParameter, bool endResponse ) : void

RedirectFromFailedGatewayCallback ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Redirects the current request back to the requested page without the gateway callback artifact in the URL.

RedirectFromLoginCallback ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult result ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Redirects the current request back to the requested page without the CAS ticket artifact in the URL.

RedirectToCookiesRequiredPage ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Redirects the current request to the Cookies Required page

RedirectToLoginPage ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Redirects the current request to the CAS Login page

RedirectToLoginPage ( bool forceRenew ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Redirects the current request to the Login page and requires renewed CAS credentials

RedirectToNotAuthorizedPage ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

Redirects the current request to the Not Authorized page

SetAuthCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket clientTicket ) : void

Encrypts a FormsAuthenticationTicket in an HttpCookie (using GetAuthCookie) and includes it in the response.

SetGatewayStatusCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, GatewayStatus gatewayStatus ) : void

Attempts to set the GatewayStatus client cookie. If the cookie is not present and equal to GatewayStatus.Attempting when a CAS Gateway request comes in (indicated by the presence of the 'gatewayParameterName' defined in web.config appearing in the URL), the server knows that the client is not accepting session cookies and will optionally redirect the user to the 'cookiesRequiredUrl' (also defined in web.config). If 'cookiesRequiredUrl' is not defined but 'gateway' is, every page request will result in a round-trip to the CAS server.

SingleSignOut ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void

Logs the user out of the application and attempts to perform a Single Sign Out against the CAS server. If the CAS server is configured to support Single Sign Out, this will prevent users from gateway authenticating to other services. The CAS server will attempt to notify any other applications to revoke the session. Each of the applications must be configured to maintain session state on the server. In the case of ASP.NET web applications using DotNetCasClient, this requires defining a serviceTicketManager. The configuration for other client types (Java, PHP) varies based on the client implementation. Consult the Jasig wiki for more details.

Private Methods

Method Description
ExtractSingleSignOutTicketFromSamlResponse ( string xmlAsString ) : string

Extracts the CAS ticket from the SAML message supplied.

GetCookiePath ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : string
LogAndThrowConfigurationException ( string message ) : void
LogAndThrowOperationException ( string message ) : void

Method Details

CASClient() public method

public CASClient ( ShellSettings settings, ITicketValidatorFactory ticketValidatorFactory, IRequestEvaluator requestEvaluator, IClock clock, IUrlUtil urlUtil, IAuthenticationService authenticationService, ICasServices casServices ) : System
settings Orchard.Environment.Configuration.ShellSettings
ticketValidatorFactory ITicketValidatorFactory
requestEvaluator IRequestEvaluator
clock IClock
urlUtil IUrlUtil
authenticationService IAuthenticationService
casServices ICasServices
return System

ClearAuthCookie() public method

Sends a blank and expired FormsAuthentication cookie to the client response. This effectively removes the FormsAuthentication cookie and revokes the FormsAuthenticationTicket. It also removes the cookie from the current Request object, preventing subsequent code from being able to access it during the execution of the current request.
public ClearAuthCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return void

CreateFormsAuthenticationTicket() public method

Creates a FormsAuthenticationTicket for storage on the client. The UserData field contains the CAS Service Ticket which can be used by the server-side ServiceTicketManager to retrieve additional details about the ticket (e.g. assertions)
public CreateFormsAuthenticationTicket ( string netId, string serviceTicket, System.DateTime validFromDate, System.DateTime validUntilDate ) : System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket
netId string User associated with the ticket
serviceTicket string CAS service ticket
validFromDate System.DateTime Ticket valid from date
validUntilDate System.DateTime Ticket valid too date
return System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket

GatewayAuthenticate() public method

Attempt to perform a CAS gateway authentication. This causes a transparent redirection out to the CAS server and back to the requesting page with or without a CAS service ticket. If the user has already authenticated for another service against the CAS server and the CAS server supports Single Sign On, this will result in the user being automatically authenticated. Otherwise, the user will remain anonymous.
public GatewayAuthenticate ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, bool ignoreGatewayStatusCookie ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
ignoreGatewayStatusCookie bool /// The Gateway Status Cookie reflects whether a gateway authentication has /// already been attempted, in which case the redirection is generally /// unnecessary. This property allows you to override the behavior and /// perform a redirection regardless of whether it has already been attempted. ///
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

GetAuthCookie() public method

Creates an HttpCookie containing an encrypted FormsAuthenticationTicket, which in turn contains a CAS service ticket.
public GetAuthCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket ) : System.Web.HttpCookie
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
ticket System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket The FormsAuthenticationTicket to encode
return System.Web.HttpCookie

GetFormsAuthenticationTicket() public method

Looks for a FormsAuthentication cookie and attempts to parse a valid, non-expired FormsAuthenticationTicket. It ensures that the UserData field has a value (presumed to be a CAS Service Ticket).
public GetFormsAuthenticationTicket ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket

GetGatewayStatus() public method

Retrieves the GatewayStatus from the client cookie.
public GetGatewayStatus ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : GatewayStatus
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return GatewayStatus

GetProxyTicketIdFor() public method

Attempts to connect to the CAS server to retrieve a proxy ticket for the target URL specified.
Problems retrieving proxy tickets are generally caused by SSL misconfiguration. The CAS server must be configured to trust the SSL certificate on the web application's server. The CAS server will attempt to establish an SSL connection to this web application server to confirm that the proxy ticket request is legitimate. If the server does not trust the SSL certificate or the certificate authority/chain of the SSL certificate, the request will fail.
public GetProxyTicketIdFor ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string targetServiceUrl ) : string
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
targetServiceUrl string The target Url to obtain a proxy ticket for
return string

ProcessProxyCallbackRequest() public method

Process a Proxy Callback request from the CAS server. Proxy Callback requests occur as a part of a proxy ticket request. When the web application requests a proxy ticket for a third party service from the CAS server, the CAS server attempts to connect back to the web application over an HTTPS connection. The success of this callback is essential for the proxy ticket request to succeed. Failures are generally caused by SSL configuration errors. See the description of the SingleSignOut method for more details. Assuming the SSL configuration is correct, this method is responsible for handling the callback from the CAS server. For more details, see the CAS protocol specification.
public ProcessProxyCallbackRequest ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

ProcessRequestAuthentication() public method

Attempts to authenticate requests subsequent to the initial authentication request (handled by ProcessTicketValidation). This method looks for a FormsAuthenticationCookie containing a FormsAuthenticationTicket and attempts to confirms its validitiy. It either contains the CAS service ticket or a reference to a CasAuthenticationTicket stored in the ServiceTicketManager (if configured). If it succeeds, the context.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal are set with a ICasPrincipal and the current request is considered authenticated. Otherwise, the current request is effectively anonymous.
public ProcessRequestAuthentication ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return void

ProcessSingleSignOutRequest() public method

Process SingleSignOut requests originating from another web application by removing the ticket from the ServiceTicketManager (assuming one is configured). Without a ServiceTicketManager configured, this method will not execute and this web application cannot respect external SingleSignOut requests.
public ProcessSingleSignOutRequest ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

ProcessTicketValidation() public method

Validates a ticket contained in the URL, presumably generated by the CAS server after a successful authentication. The actual ticket validation is performed by the configured TicketValidator (i.e., CAS 1.0, CAS 2.0, SAML 1.0). If the validation succeeds, the request is authenticated and a FormsAuthenticationCookie and corresponding CasAuthenticationTicket are created for the purpose of authenticating subsequent requests (see ProcessTicketValidation method). If the validation fails, the authentication status remains unchanged (generally the user is and remains anonymous).
public ProcessTicketValidation ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return void

ProxyRedirect() public method

Obtain a Proxy ticket and redirect to the foreign service url with that ticket included in the url. The foreign service must be configured to accept the ticket.
The url supplied is null The url supplied is empty
public ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
url string The foreign service to redirect to
return void

ProxyRedirect() public method

Obtain a Proxy ticket and redirect to the foreign service url with that ticket included in the url. The foreign service must be configured to accept the ticket.
The url supplied is null The url supplied is empty
public ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url, bool endResponse ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
url string The foreign service to redirect to
endResponse bool /// Boolean indicating whether or not to short circuit the remaining request /// pipeline events ///
return void

ProxyRedirect() public method

Obtain a Proxy ticket and redirect to the foreign service url with that ticket included in the url. The foreign service must be configured to accept the ticket.
/// The url or proxyTicketUrlParameter supplied is null /// /// The url or proxyTicketUrlParametersupplied is empty ///
public ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url, string proxyTicketUrlParameter ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
url string The foreign service to redirect to
proxyTicketUrlParameter string /// The ticket parameter to include in the remote service Url. ///
return void

ProxyRedirect() public method

/// The url or proxyTicketUrlParameter supplied is null /// /// The url or proxyTicketUrlParametersupplied is empty ///
public ProxyRedirect ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, string url, string proxyTicketUrlParameter, bool endResponse ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
url string The foreign service to redirect to
proxyTicketUrlParameter string /// The ticket parameter to include in the remote service Url. ///
endResponse bool /// Boolean indicating whether or not to short circuit the remaining request /// pipeline events ///
return void

RedirectFromFailedGatewayCallback() public method

Redirects the current request back to the requested page without the gateway callback artifact in the URL.
public RedirectFromFailedGatewayCallback ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

RedirectFromLoginCallback() public method

Redirects the current request back to the requested page without the CAS ticket artifact in the URL.
public RedirectFromLoginCallback ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult result ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
result System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

RedirectToCookiesRequiredPage() public method

Redirects the current request to the Cookies Required page
public RedirectToCookiesRequiredPage ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

RedirectToLoginPage() public method

Redirects the current request to the CAS Login page
public RedirectToLoginPage ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

RedirectToLoginPage() public method

Redirects the current request to the Login page and requires renewed CAS credentials
public RedirectToLoginPage ( bool forceRenew ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
forceRenew bool
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

RedirectToNotAuthorizedPage() public method

Redirects the current request to the Not Authorized page
public RedirectToNotAuthorizedPage ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult
return System.Web.Mvc.RedirectResult

SetAuthCookie() public method

Encrypts a FormsAuthenticationTicket in an HttpCookie (using GetAuthCookie) and includes it in the response.
public SetAuthCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket clientTicket ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
clientTicket System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket The FormsAuthenticationTicket to encode
return void

SetGatewayStatusCookie() public method

Attempts to set the GatewayStatus client cookie. If the cookie is not present and equal to GatewayStatus.Attempting when a CAS Gateway request comes in (indicated by the presence of the 'gatewayParameterName' defined in web.config appearing in the URL), the server knows that the client is not accepting session cookies and will optionally redirect the user to the 'cookiesRequiredUrl' (also defined in web.config). If 'cookiesRequiredUrl' is not defined but 'gateway' is, every page request will result in a round-trip to the CAS server.
public SetGatewayStatusCookie ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, GatewayStatus gatewayStatus ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
gatewayStatus GatewayStatus The GatewayStatus to attempt to store
return void

SingleSignOut() public method

Logs the user out of the application and attempts to perform a Single Sign Out against the CAS server. If the CAS server is configured to support Single Sign Out, this will prevent users from gateway authenticating to other services. The CAS server will attempt to notify any other applications to revoke the session. Each of the applications must be configured to maintain session state on the server. In the case of ASP.NET web applications using DotNetCasClient, this requires defining a serviceTicketManager. The configuration for other client types (Java, PHP) varies based on the client implementation. Consult the Jasig wiki for more details.
public SingleSignOut ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : void
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return void