C# Class MySql.Data.MySqlClient.SchemaProvider

ファイルを表示 Open project: elevate/mysqlconnector-.net Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
MetaCollection string

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
connection MySqlConnection

Public Methods

Method Description
GetColumns ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetDatabases ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetForeignKeyColumns ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetForeignKeys ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetIndexColumns ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetIndexes ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetProcedures ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetSchema ( string collection, String restrictions ) : DataTable
GetTables ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetUDF ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
GetUsers ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
SchemaProvider ( MySqlConnection connectionToUse ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
FillTable ( DataTable dt, object data ) : void
GetCollections ( ) : DataTable
GetRestrictions ( ) : DataTable
GetSchemaInternal ( string collection, string restrictions ) : DataTable

Private Methods

Method Description
CleanRestrictions ( string restrictionValues ) : string[]
FindTables ( DataTable schemaTable, string restrictions ) : void
GetDataSourceInformation ( ) : DataTable
GetDataTypes ( ) : DataTable
GetForeignKeysOnTable ( DataTable fkTable, DataRow tableToParse, string filterName, bool includeColumns ) : void

GetForeignKeysOnTable retrieves the foreign keys on the given table. Since MySQL supports foreign keys on versions prior to 5.0, we can't use information schema. MySQL also does not include any type of SHOW command for foreign keys so we have to resort to use SHOW CREATE TABLE and parsing the output.

GetReservedWords ( ) : DataTable
GetSqlMode ( ) : string
GetString ( MySqlDataReader reader, int index ) : string
LoadTableColumns ( DataTable dt, string schema, string tableName, string columnRestriction ) : void
ParseColumnRow ( DataRow row ) : void
ParseColumns ( MySqlTokenizer tokenizer ) : ArrayList
ParseConstraint ( DataTable fkTable, DataRow table, MySqlTokenizer tokenizer, bool includeColumns ) : void
ProcessColumns ( DataTable fkTable, DataRow row, ArrayList srcColumns, ArrayList targetColumns ) : void

Method Details

FillTable() protected static method

protected static FillTable ( DataTable dt, object data ) : void
dt System.Data.DataTable
data object
return void

GetCollections() protected method

protected GetCollections ( ) : DataTable
return System.Data.DataTable

GetColumns() public method

public GetColumns ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetDatabases() public method

public GetDatabases ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetForeignKeyColumns() public method

public GetForeignKeyColumns ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetForeignKeys() public method

public GetForeignKeys ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetIndexColumns() public method

public GetIndexColumns ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetIndexes() public method

public GetIndexes ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetProcedures() public method

public GetProcedures ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetRestrictions() protected method

protected GetRestrictions ( ) : DataTable
return System.Data.DataTable

GetSchema() public method

public GetSchema ( string collection, String restrictions ) : DataTable
collection string
restrictions String
return System.Data.DataTable

GetSchemaInternal() protected method

protected GetSchemaInternal ( string collection, string restrictions ) : DataTable
collection string
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetTables() public method

public GetTables ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetUDF() public method

public GetUDF ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

GetUsers() public method

public GetUsers ( string restrictions ) : DataTable
restrictions string
return System.Data.DataTable

SchemaProvider() public method

public SchemaProvider ( MySqlConnection connectionToUse ) : System
connectionToUse MySqlConnection
return System

Property Details

MetaCollection public_oe static_oe property

public static string MetaCollection
return string

connection protected_oe property

protected MySqlConnection,MySql.Data.MySqlClient connection
return MySqlConnection