C# Class MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver

Summary description for BaseDriver.
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: elevate/mysqlconnector-.net Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
charSets System.Collections.Hashtable
connectionString MySqlConnectionStringBuilder
creationTime System.DateTime
currentTransaction MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPromotableTransaction
encoding System.Text.Encoding
handler IDriver
inActiveUse bool
isOpen bool
maxPacketSize long
pool MySqlPool
serverCaps ClientFlags
serverCharSet string
serverCharSetIndex int
serverProps System.Collections.Hashtable

Private Properties

Property Type Description
LoadCharacterSets void

Public Methods

Method Description
Close ( ) : void
CloseQuery ( MySqlConnection connection, int statementId ) : void
CloseStatement ( int id ) : void
Configure ( MySqlConnection connection ) : void
ConnectionLifetimeExpired ( ) : bool
Create ( MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings ) : Driver
Dispose ( ) : void
Driver ( MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings ) : System
ExecuteDirect ( string sql ) : void
ExecuteStatement ( MySqlPacket packetToExecute ) : void
FetchDataRow ( int statementId, int columns ) : bool
GetColumns ( int count ) : MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlField[]
HasStatus ( ServerStatusFlags flag ) : bool
NextResult ( int statementId ) : ResultSet
Open ( ) : void
Ping ( ) : bool
PrepareStatement ( string sql, MySqlField &parameters ) : int
Property ( string key ) : string
ReadColumnValue ( int index, MySqlField field, IMySqlValue value ) : IMySqlValue
ReportWarnings ( MySqlConnection connection ) : List
Reset ( ) : void
ResetTimeout ( int timeoutMilliseconds ) : void
SendQuery ( MySqlPacket p ) : void
SetDatabase ( string dbName ) : void
SkipColumnValue ( IMySqlValue valObject ) : void
SkipDataRow ( ) : bool

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
GetResult ( int statementId, int &affectedRows, int &insertedId ) : int

Private Methods

Method Description
LoadCharacterSets ( MySqlConnection connection ) : void

Loads all the current character set names and ids for this server into the charSets hashtable

Method Details

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

CloseQuery() public method

public CloseQuery ( MySqlConnection connection, int statementId ) : void
connection MySqlConnection
statementId int
return void

CloseStatement() public method

public CloseStatement ( int id ) : void
id int
return void

Configure() public method

public Configure ( MySqlConnection connection ) : void
connection MySqlConnection
return void

ConnectionLifetimeExpired() public method

public ConnectionLifetimeExpired ( ) : bool
return bool

Create() public static method

public static Create ( MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings ) : Driver
settings MySqlConnectionStringBuilder
return Driver

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

Driver() public method

public Driver ( MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings ) : System
settings MySqlConnectionStringBuilder
return System

ExecuteDirect() public method

public ExecuteDirect ( string sql ) : void
sql string
return void

ExecuteStatement() public method

public ExecuteStatement ( MySqlPacket packetToExecute ) : void
packetToExecute MySqlPacket
return void

FetchDataRow() public method

public FetchDataRow ( int statementId, int columns ) : bool
statementId int
columns int
return bool

GetColumns() public method

public GetColumns ( int count ) : MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlField[]
count int
return MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlField[]

GetResult() protected method

protected GetResult ( int statementId, int &affectedRows, int &insertedId ) : int
statementId int
affectedRows int
insertedId int
return int

HasStatus() public method

public HasStatus ( ServerStatusFlags flag ) : bool
flag ServerStatusFlags
return bool

NextResult() public method

public NextResult ( int statementId ) : ResultSet
statementId int
return ResultSet

Open() public method

public Open ( ) : void
return void

Ping() public method

public Ping ( ) : bool
return bool

PrepareStatement() public method

public PrepareStatement ( string sql, MySqlField &parameters ) : int
sql string
parameters MySqlField
return int

Property() public method

public Property ( string key ) : string
key string
return string

ReadColumnValue() public method

public ReadColumnValue ( int index, MySqlField field, IMySqlValue value ) : IMySqlValue
index int
field MySqlField
value IMySqlValue
return IMySqlValue

ReportWarnings() public method

public ReportWarnings ( MySqlConnection connection ) : List
connection MySqlConnection
return List

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

ResetTimeout() public method

public ResetTimeout ( int timeoutMilliseconds ) : void
timeoutMilliseconds int
return void

SendQuery() public method

public SendQuery ( MySqlPacket p ) : void
p MySqlPacket
return void

SetDatabase() public method

public SetDatabase ( string dbName ) : void
dbName string
return void

SkipColumnValue() public method

public SkipColumnValue ( IMySqlValue valObject ) : void
valObject IMySqlValue
return void

SkipDataRow() public method

public SkipDataRow ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

charSets protected_oe property

protected Hashtable,System.Collections charSets
return System.Collections.Hashtable

connectionString protected_oe property

protected MySqlConnectionStringBuilder,MySql.Data.MySqlClient connectionString
return MySqlConnectionStringBuilder

creationTime protected_oe property

protected DateTime,System creationTime
return System.DateTime

currentTransaction protected_oe property

protected MySqlPromotableTransaction,MySql.Data.MySqlClient currentTransaction
return MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPromotableTransaction

encoding protected_oe property

protected Encoding,System.Text encoding
return System.Text.Encoding

handler protected_oe property

protected IDriver handler
return IDriver

inActiveUse protected_oe property

protected bool inActiveUse
return bool

isOpen protected_oe property

protected bool isOpen
return bool

maxPacketSize protected_oe property

protected long maxPacketSize
return long

pool protected_oe property

protected MySqlPool,MySql.Data.MySqlClient pool
return MySqlPool

serverCaps protected_oe property

protected ClientFlags serverCaps
return ClientFlags

serverCharSet protected_oe property

protected string serverCharSet
return string

serverCharSetIndex protected_oe property

protected int serverCharSetIndex
return int

serverProps protected_oe property

protected Hashtable,System.Collections serverProps
return System.Collections.Hashtable