C# Class MonoDroid.Dialog.Element

Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: CartBlanche/MonoDroid.Dialog Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void
Element ( string caption ) : System

Initializes the element with the given caption.

Element ( string caption, int layoutId ) : System
GetContext ( ) : Android.Content.Context
GetView ( Android.Content.Context context, Android.Views.View convertView, Android.Views.ViewGroup parent ) : Android.Views.View

Overriden my most derived classes, creates a view that creates a View with the contents for display

Matches ( string text ) : bool
Selected ( ) : void
Summary ( ) : string

Returns a summary of the value represented by this object, suitable for rendering as the result of a RootElement with child objects.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Method Details

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

Element() public method

Initializes the element with the given caption.
public Element ( string caption ) : System
caption string /// The caption. ///
return System

Element() public method

public Element ( string caption, int layoutId ) : System
caption string
layoutId int
return System

GetContext() public method

public GetContext ( ) : Android.Content.Context
return Android.Content.Context

GetView() public method

Overriden my most derived classes, creates a view that creates a View with the contents for display
public GetView ( Android.Content.Context context, Android.Views.View convertView, Android.Views.ViewGroup parent ) : Android.Views.View
context Android.Content.Context
convertView Android.Views.View
parent Android.Views.ViewGroup
return Android.Views.View

Matches() public method

public Matches ( string text ) : bool
text string
return bool

Selected() public method

public Selected ( ) : void
return void

Summary() public method

Returns a summary of the value represented by this object, suitable for rendering as the result of a RootElement with child objects.
public Summary ( ) : string
return string