C# Class Midi.NoteOnOffMessage

A Note On message which schedules its own Note Off message when played.
Inheritance: NoteMessage
ファイルを表示 Open project: jstnryan/midi-dot-net

Public Methods

Method Description
MakeTimeShiftedCopy ( float delta ) : Message

Returns a copy of this message, shifted in time by the specified amount.

NoteOnOffMessage ( Midi.DeviceBase device, Channel channel, Pitch pitch, int velocity, float time, Clock clock, float duration ) : System

Constructs a Note On/Off message.

SendNow ( ) : void

Sends this message immediately.

Method Details

MakeTimeShiftedCopy() public method

Returns a copy of this message, shifted in time by the specified amount.
public MakeTimeShiftedCopy ( float delta ) : Message
delta float
return Message

NoteOnOffMessage() public method

Constructs a Note On/Off message.
public NoteOnOffMessage ( Midi.DeviceBase device, Channel channel, Pitch pitch, int velocity, float time, Clock clock, float duration ) : System
device Midi.DeviceBase The device associated with this message.
channel Channel Channel, 0..15, 10 reserved for percussion.
pitch Pitch The pitch for this note message.
velocity int Velocity, 0..127.
time float The timestamp for this message.
clock Clock The clock that should schedule the off message.
duration float Time delay between on message and off messasge.
return System

SendNow() public method

Sends this message immediately.
public SendNow ( ) : void
return void