C# Class Microsoft.Z3.Goal

Inheritance: Z3Object
ファイルを表示 Open project: sslab-gatech/juxta Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( ) : void

Alias for Assert.

Assert ( ) : void

Adds the constraints to the given goal.

Reset ( ) : void

Erases all formulas from the given goal.

Simplify ( Params p = null ) : Goal

Simplifies the goal.

Essentially invokes the `simplify' tactic on the goal.

ToString ( ) : string

Goal to string conversion.

Translate ( Context ctx ) : Goal

Translates (copies) the Goal to the target Context ctx.

Private Methods

Method Description
DecRef ( IntPtr o ) : void
Goal ( Context ctx, IntPtr obj ) : System
Goal ( Context ctx, bool models, bool unsatCores, bool proofs ) : System
IncRef ( IntPtr o ) : void

Method Details

Add() public method

Alias for Assert.
public Add ( ) : void
return void

Assert() public method

Adds the constraints to the given goal.
public Assert ( ) : void
return void

Reset() public method

Erases all formulas from the given goal.
public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Simplify() public method

Simplifies the goal.
Essentially invokes the `simplify' tactic on the goal.
public Simplify ( Params p = null ) : Goal
p Params
return Goal

ToString() public method

Goal to string conversion.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Translate() public method

Translates (copies) the Goal to the target Context ctx.
public Translate ( Context ctx ) : Goal
ctx Context
return Goal