C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.CloudService.CloudRuntime

ファイルを表示 Open project: AzureRT/azure-sdk-tools Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyRuntime ( CloudRuntimePackage package, WebRole webRole ) : void
ApplyRuntime ( CloudRuntimePackage package, WorkerRole workerRole ) : void
ClearRuntime ( WebRole role ) : void
ClearRuntime ( WorkerRole role ) : void
CreateCloudRuntime ( string runtimeType, string runtimeVersion, string roleName, string rolePath ) : CloudRuntime
CreateRuntime ( WebRole webRole, string rolePath ) : Collection
CreateRuntime ( WorkerRole workerRole, string rolePath ) : Collection
GetRuntimeByType ( string runtimeType ) : RuntimeType
GetRuntimeStartupTask ( Startup roleStartup ) : Task

Gets the runtime startup task regardless of its order in the startup tasks.

Match ( CloudRuntimePackage runtime ) : bool
ValidateMatch ( CloudRuntimePackage runtime, string &warningText ) : bool

Protected Methods

Method Description
ApplyScaffoldingChanges ( CloudRuntimePackage package ) : void
CloudRuntime ( ) : AzureTools
Configure ( string>.Dictionary environment ) : void
GenerateWarningText ( CloudRuntimePackage package ) : string
GetChanges ( CloudRuntimePackage package, string>.Dictionary &changes ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
ApplyRoleXmlChanges ( string>.Dictionary changes, WebRole webRole ) : void
ApplyRoleXmlChanges ( string>.Dictionary changes, WorkerRole workerRole ) : void
ApplySettingChanges ( string>.Dictionary settings, Variable roleVariables ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.Variable[]
ClearEnvironmentValue ( Variable environment, string key ) : void
CreateRuntimeInternal ( RuntimeType runtimeType, string roleName, string rolePath ) : CloudRuntime
GetRuntimeTypes ( string>.Dictionary environmentSettings ) : Collection
GetRuntimes ( string>.Dictionary settings, string roleName, string rolePath ) : Collection
GetStartupEnvironment ( WebRole webRole ) : string>.Dictionary
GetStartupEnvironment ( WorkerRole workerRole ) : string>.Dictionary
SetVariableValue ( Variable inVariable, string addedValue ) : void

Set the variable value given a new value. Replace or add the value to the variable, as appropriate

ShouldMerge ( Variable variableToCheck ) : bool

Determine if this is a variable that should be set directly or should be merged with the new value

Method Details

ApplyRuntime() public method

public ApplyRuntime ( CloudRuntimePackage package, WebRole webRole ) : void
package CloudRuntimePackage
webRole Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WebRole
return void

ApplyRuntime() public method

public ApplyRuntime ( CloudRuntimePackage package, WorkerRole workerRole ) : void
package CloudRuntimePackage
workerRole Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WorkerRole
return void

ApplyScaffoldingChanges() protected method

protected ApplyScaffoldingChanges ( CloudRuntimePackage package ) : void
package CloudRuntimePackage
return void

ClearRuntime() public static method

public static ClearRuntime ( WebRole role ) : void
role Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WebRole
return void

ClearRuntime() public static method

public static ClearRuntime ( WorkerRole role ) : void
role Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WorkerRole
return void

CloudRuntime() protected method

protected CloudRuntime ( ) : AzureTools
return AzureTools

Configure() protected abstract method

protected abstract Configure ( string>.Dictionary environment ) : void
environment string>.Dictionary
return void

CreateCloudRuntime() public static method

public static CreateCloudRuntime ( string runtimeType, string runtimeVersion, string roleName, string rolePath ) : CloudRuntime
runtimeType string
runtimeVersion string
roleName string
rolePath string
return CloudRuntime

CreateRuntime() public static method

public static CreateRuntime ( WebRole webRole, string rolePath ) : Collection
webRole Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WebRole
rolePath string
return Collection

CreateRuntime() public static method

public static CreateRuntime ( WorkerRole workerRole, string rolePath ) : Collection
workerRole Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WorkerRole
rolePath string
return Collection

GenerateWarningText() protected abstract method

protected abstract GenerateWarningText ( CloudRuntimePackage package ) : string
package CloudRuntimePackage
return string

GetChanges() protected method

protected GetChanges ( CloudRuntimePackage package, string>.Dictionary &changes ) : bool
package CloudRuntimePackage
changes string>.Dictionary
return bool

GetRuntimeByType() public static method

public static GetRuntimeByType ( string runtimeType ) : RuntimeType
runtimeType string
return System.RuntimeType

GetRuntimeStartupTask() public static method

Gets the runtime startup task regardless of its order in the startup tasks.
public static GetRuntimeStartupTask ( Startup roleStartup ) : Task
roleStartup Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.Startup The role startup tasks
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.Task

Match() public abstract method

public abstract Match ( CloudRuntimePackage runtime ) : bool
runtime CloudRuntimePackage
return bool

ValidateMatch() public method

public ValidateMatch ( CloudRuntimePackage runtime, string &warningText ) : bool
runtime CloudRuntimePackage
warningText string
return bool