C# Class Microsoft.R.Editor.Completion.AutoCompletion.BraceCompletionContextProvider

Inheritance: IBraceCompletionContextProvider
ファイルを表示 Open project: Microsoft/RTVS

Public Methods

Method Description
TryCreateContext ( ITextView textView, SnapshotPoint openingPoint, char openingBrace, char closingBrace, IBraceCompletionContext &context ) : bool

Creates an IBraceCompletionContext to handle language-specific actions such as parsing and formatting.

Opening points within strings and comments are usually invalid points to start an IBraceCompletionSession and will return false.

Private Methods

Method Description
BraceCompletionContextProvider ( IEditorShell shell ) : System.ComponentModel.Composition

Method Details

TryCreateContext() public method

Creates an IBraceCompletionContext to handle language-specific actions such as parsing and formatting.
Opening points within strings and comments are usually invalid points to start an IBraceCompletionSession and will return false.
public TryCreateContext ( ITextView textView, SnapshotPoint openingPoint, char openingBrace, char closingBrace, IBraceCompletionContext &context ) : bool
textView ITextView View containing the .
openingPoint SnapshotPoint Insertion point of the .
openingBrace char Opening brace that has been typed by the user.
closingBrace char Closing brace character
context IBraceCompletionContext Brace completion context if created.
return bool