C# Class Microsoft.R.Core.AST.Statements.Statement

Inheritance: AstNode, IStatement
ファイルを表示 Open project: Microsoft/RTVS

Public Methods

Method Description
Create ( ParseContext context, IAstNode parent, string terminatingKeyword ) : IStatement

Abstract factory creating statements depending on current token and the following token sequence

ToString ( ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
ParseSemicolon ( ParseContext context, IAstNode parent ) : bool

Method Details

Create() public static method

Abstract factory creating statements depending on current token and the following token sequence
public static Create ( ParseContext context, IAstNode parent, string terminatingKeyword ) : IStatement
context Microsoft.R.Core.Parser.ParseContext
parent IAstNode
terminatingKeyword string
return IStatement

ParseSemicolon() protected method

protected ParseSemicolon ( ParseContext context, IAstNode parent ) : bool
context Microsoft.R.Core.Parser.ParseContext
parent IAstNode
return bool

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string