C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.SharedAdapter.MsfsshttpdCapture

A class contains methods which capture requirements related with MS-FSSHTTPD.
ファイルを表示 Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Public Methods

Method Description
VerifyDefinedGUID ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements for the pre-defined GUID values.

VerifyIntermediateNodeForZipFileChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements for intermediate node object when the chunk method is zip chunk.

VerifyIntermediateNodeObject ( IntermediateNodeObject interNode, ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the IntermediateNodeObject type.

VerifyObjectCount ( ObjectGroupObjectData data, ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the object count for the root node or intermediate node.

VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForDataNodeObject ( ObjectGroupObjectData objectGroupObjectData, ObjectGroupObjectDeclare dataNodeDeclare, List objectGroupList, ITestSite site ) : void

Verify ObjectGroupObjectData for the DataNodeObject related requirements.

VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForIntermediateNode ( ObjectGroupObjectData objectGroupObjectData, ObjectGroupObjectDeclare intermediateDeclare, List objectGroupList, ITestSite site ) : void

Verify ObjectGroupObjectData for the Intermediate node object group related requirements.

VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForRootNode ( ObjectGroupObjectData objectGroupObjectData, ObjectGroupObjectDeclare rootDeclare, List objectGroupList, ITestSite site ) : void

Verify ObjectGroupObjectData for the Root node object group related requirements.

VerifyRdcAnalysisChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the RDC analysis chunk method.

VerifyRootNodeObject ( RootNodeObject rootNode, ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the RootNodeObject type.

VerifySimpleChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the simple chunk method.

VerifySmallFinalChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with zip chunk when the final chunk is less than 1MB.

VerifyZipFileHeaderAndContentSignature ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with zip chunk when the size of zip header and zip content is larger than 4096 bytes but less than 1MB.

VerifyZipFileLessThan4096Bytes ( ITestSite site ) : void

This method is used to verify the requirements related with zip chunk when the size of zip header and zip content is less than 4096 bytes.

Private Methods

Method Description
IsGuidUnique ( ExGuid currentObjectExGuid, List objectGroupList ) : bool

This method is used to check whether the extended GUID is unique in the object group data element data list.

MsfsshttpdCapture ( ) : System.Collections.Generic

Prevents a default instance of the MsfsshttpdCapture class from being created

Method Details

VerifyDefinedGUID() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements for the pre-defined GUID values.
public static VerifyDefinedGUID ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyIntermediateNodeForZipFileChunk() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements for intermediate node object when the chunk method is zip chunk.
public static VerifyIntermediateNodeForZipFileChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyIntermediateNodeObject() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the IntermediateNodeObject type.
public static VerifyIntermediateNodeObject ( IntermediateNodeObject interNode, ITestSite site ) : void
interNode IntermediateNodeObject Specify the IntermediateNodeObject instance.
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyObjectCount() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the object count for the root node or intermediate node.
public static VerifyObjectCount ( ObjectGroupObjectData data, ITestSite site ) : void
data ObjectGroupObjectData Specify the object data.
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForDataNodeObject() public static method

Verify ObjectGroupObjectData for the DataNodeObject related requirements.
public static VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForDataNodeObject ( ObjectGroupObjectData objectGroupObjectData, ObjectGroupObjectDeclare dataNodeDeclare, List objectGroupList, ITestSite site ) : void
objectGroupObjectData ObjectGroupObjectData Specify the objectGroupObjectData instance.
dataNodeDeclare ObjectGroupObjectDeclare Specify the data node object declare instance.
objectGroupList List Specify all the ObjectGroupDataElementData list.
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForIntermediateNode() public static method

Verify ObjectGroupObjectData for the Intermediate node object group related requirements.
public static VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForIntermediateNode ( ObjectGroupObjectData objectGroupObjectData, ObjectGroupObjectDeclare intermediateDeclare, List objectGroupList, ITestSite site ) : void
objectGroupObjectData ObjectGroupObjectData Specify the objectGroupObjectData instance.
intermediateDeclare ObjectGroupObjectDeclare Specify the intermediate declare instance.
objectGroupList List Specify all the ObjectGroupDataElementData list.
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForRootNode() public static method

Verify ObjectGroupObjectData for the Root node object group related requirements.
public static VerifyObjectGroupObjectDataForRootNode ( ObjectGroupObjectData objectGroupObjectData, ObjectGroupObjectDeclare rootDeclare, List objectGroupList, ITestSite site ) : void
objectGroupObjectData ObjectGroupObjectData Specify the objectGroupObjectData instance.
rootDeclare ObjectGroupObjectDeclare Specify the root declare instance.
objectGroupList List Specify all the ObjectGroupDataElementData list.
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyRdcAnalysisChunk() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the RDC analysis chunk method.
public static VerifyRdcAnalysisChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyRootNodeObject() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the RootNodeObject type.
public static VerifyRootNodeObject ( RootNodeObject rootNode, ITestSite site ) : void
rootNode RootNodeObject Specify the RootNodeObject instance.
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifySimpleChunk() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with the simple chunk method.
public static VerifySimpleChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifySmallFinalChunk() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with zip chunk when the final chunk is less than 1MB.
public static VerifySmallFinalChunk ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyZipFileHeaderAndContentSignature() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with zip chunk when the size of zip header and zip content is larger than 4096 bytes but less than 1MB.
public static VerifyZipFileHeaderAndContentSignature ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void

VerifyZipFileLessThan4096Bytes() public static method

This method is used to verify the requirements related with zip chunk when the size of zip header and zip content is less than 4096 bytes.
public static VerifyZipFileLessThan4096Bytes ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite Specify the ITestSite instance.
return void