C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.RopOpenFolderResponse

ファイルを表示 Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
CheapServerCount ushort?
HasRules byte
IsGhosted byte
OutputHandleIndex byte
ReturnValue uint
RopId byte
ServerCount ushort?
Servers string[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Deserialize ( byte ropBytes, int startIndex ) : int

Deserialize the ROP response buffer.

Method Details

Deserialize() public method

Deserialize the ROP response buffer.
public Deserialize ( byte ropBytes, int startIndex ) : int
ropBytes byte ROPs bytes in response.
startIndex int The start index of this ROP.
return int

Property Details

CheapServerCount public_oe property

This field is present if IsGhosted is non-zero and is not present if IsGhosted is zero. This value specifies the number of values in Servers that refers to lowest cost servers.
public ushort? CheapServerCount
return ushort?

HasRules public_oe property

This value indicates whether there are rules associated with the folder.
public byte HasRules
return byte

IsGhosted public_oe property

This value specifies whether the folder is a ghosted folder.
public byte IsGhosted
return byte

OutputHandleIndex public_oe property

This index MUST be set to the OutputHandleIndex specified in the request.
public byte OutputHandleIndex
return byte

ReturnValue public_oe property

This value specifies the status of the remote operation. For successful response, this field is set to 0x00000000. For failure response, this field is set to a value other than 0x00000000.
public uint ReturnValue
return uint

RopId public_oe property

This value specifies the type of remote operation. For this operation, this field is set to 0x02.
public byte RopId
return byte

ServerCount public_oe property

This field is present if IsGhosted is non-zero and is not present if IsGhosted is zero. This value specifies the number of strings in the Servers field.
public ushort? ServerCount
return ushort?

Servers public_oe property

This field is present if IsGhosted is non-zero and is not present if IsGhosted is zero. The number of strings contained in this field is specified by the ServerCount field. These strings specify which servers have replicas of this folder.
public string[] Servers
return string[]