C# Class Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Repository.Taxonomy

This class contains all the methods which will read the SPO term store and returns taxonomy object
Inheritance: ITaxonomy
ファイルを表示 Open project: Microsoft/mattercenter

Public Methods

Method Description
GetTaxonomyHierarchy ( Client client, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : TaxonomyResponseVM

This method will return the taxonomy hierarchy either for the practice group term set or for client term sets

Taxonomy ( IOptions generalSettings, IOptions taxonomySettings, IOptions contentTypeSettings, IOptions logTables, ISPOAuthorization spoAuthorization, ICustomLogger customLogger, IConfigurationRoot configuration ) : Microsoft.SharePoint.Client

Constructor to inject required dependencies

Private Methods

Method Description
FetchGroupTerms ( TermGroup termGroup, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : TaxonomyResponseVM

Fetches the term store data for the term group specified

GetChildTermsWithCustomProperties ( TermCollection termCollection, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails, Term parentTerm, JsonWriter jw, string siteColumnName, int termLevelHierarchyPosition ) : void

This method will update the taxonomy hierarchy object with custom properties that needs to be send to client. This is a recursive function and it will loop until a term does not have any child terms

GetClientTermProperties ( TermCollection termColl, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails, ClientTermSets clientTermSet ) : ClientTermSets

This method will get all client term properties such as ID and URL

GetClientTermSetHierarchy ( ClientContext clientContext, TermSet termSet, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : ClientTermSets

This method will be called if the clients are defined as term set and not as terms

GetClientTerms ( ClientContext clientContext, Term term, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : ClientTermSets

This method will be called if the clients are defined as terms and not as term sets

GetManagedTermSetHierarchy ( ClientContext clientContext, TermSet termSet, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : string

Gets the managed term set hierarchy with generic code using JSONWriter

GetTaxonomyHierarchy ( TermStore termStore, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : TaxonomyResponseVM

Iterates through the taxonomy hierarchy for the specified term set group.

Method Details

GetTaxonomyHierarchy() public method

This method will return the taxonomy hierarchy either for the practice group term set or for client term sets
public GetTaxonomyHierarchy ( Client client, TermStoreDetails termStoreDetails ) : TaxonomyResponseVM
client Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models.Client
termStoreDetails Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models.TermStoreDetails The term store deatils that client has passed to we apiu
return Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models.TaxonomyResponseVM

Taxonomy() public method

Constructor to inject required dependencies
public Taxonomy ( IOptions generalSettings, IOptions taxonomySettings, IOptions contentTypeSettings, IOptions logTables, ISPOAuthorization spoAuthorization, ICustomLogger customLogger, IConfigurationRoot configuration ) : Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
generalSettings IOptions
taxonomySettings IOptions
contentTypeSettings IOptions
logTables IOptions
spoAuthorization ISPOAuthorization
customLogger ICustomLogger
configuration IConfigurationRoot
return Microsoft.SharePoint.Client